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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beogram 4002 5113 tonearm assembly issue

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gammatest Posted: Fri, Sep 28 2018 12:59 AM


I have only ever owned Technics 1200s (of various marks) - so I am used to simple repairs. ANyway, on a recent digging excursion I received a Beogram 4002 5113 as part of a purchase. Long story short - it needs work and I have it pretty disassembled at the moment.

The tonearm moves with the controls; and the lift/lower button activates the solenoid and plunger, I have lubricated all the parts... the problem is with the arm that the plunger is supposed to push back (thus allowing the tonearm to lower). The arm in question does not move freely... it is stiff and slow and unless I manually push/pull it up and down, the tonearm does not lower. 

I read it is supposed to be spring loaded; however, it doesn't feel like it as it doesn't return to it's original location unless I manually move it. There is a spring attached to the adjustable screw at point of the arm that makes contact with the plunger - but I'm not good with mechanics so I'm not sure what I need to do to get this going.

I attached a photo of the arm in question... 

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks a million.






Saint Beogrowler
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Saint Paul
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The cylinder damper can be disassembled and cleaned.

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gammatest replied on Fri, Sep 28 2018 10:09 PM

Thanks Saint.

The cylinder damper works... it is the arm that the cylinder damper 'hits' that is stiff and isn't moving freely.

Saint Beogrowler
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I don’t know the name of the part that is connected to the sensing arm that makes contact with the cylinder allowing lowering of the tonearm- that piece will need to be removed and the pivot pin cleaned of sticky lubricant and re-lubed. It’s a little delicate because you have to take the sensing arm off the carriage to get access to it. Doable, but not simple for the non-mechanical inclined. If this is indeed your problem and not a slightly sticky cylinder.

I think Sonavor talks about this in his Beogram 400x project post.
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gammatest replied on Fri, Oct 12 2018 12:46 AM

Thank you...

I needed a specialized tool (fine tipped locking ring pliers) which I borrowed from a local Technics 1200 repairman.

I managed to remove the solenoid to tonearm linkage by removing the springS  (2) and locking ring from the light-arm assembly. It was completely seized. You must have a steady hand and be gentle to remove the linkage arm without removing the locking pins along with it.

Anyway, you are correct... and thank you. I found a video on youtube that guided me through the process. The carriage assembly is now functional. 

Saint Beogrowler
Top 150 Contributor
Saint Paul
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Nice! Thanks for reporting back. Also, I completely recommend Martin’s belts for these. Before he had the platter belt, I tried another one of eBay and it was super tight and noisy.
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