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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Help with a Beogram 1602

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Eyezwilde26 Posted: Sun, Apr 14 2019 6:43 PM

Hey Guys,


New member. First post. Coming to you for some help and knowledge. I have a couple questions about my beogram 1602. I have it semi-apart. I did not know how to get into it so i slid the silver cover over and around the tone arm until i got it off. First question, i was wondering if there is an easier way i can get it on and off? Second it has been sitting in somebodies closet for a long time, i wanted to get to the main gears inside and put some grease on them, so my second question is what is the easiest way to do this and what needs to be greased and oiled? I was about to flip it upside down and pull the two screws on the side front???? Last question, does any body know what the two screws at the base of the tone arm do? Maybe some type of adjustments?? The is my first Beogram. I have always wanted one and really want to get this baby good and ready. My other turntable is a pioneer pl516 and i had no problem working on that. Any help would be grate ful ly appreciated. Thanks

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Welcome to Beoworld. The 1602 was a US only model though there was a 1600 in the EU but this was never brought to the UK. However all these decks are broadly similar. There is a service manual on site for the 2200 which cover the very similar 1700 and this is available to silver and gold members. However most parts can actually be reached by taking off the platter and sub platter.

Here is a picture of the arm



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And here is the parts list - I think I would only use a little sewing machine oil if any lubrication is needed.



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Peter replied on Sun, Apr 14 2019 7:06 PM

The expensive part these days will be the cartridge - check yours is OK


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