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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BeoMaster 2000 discovery

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AlinNYC Posted: Thu, May 9 2019 3:57 PM

When my B&O fan father passed away last year I knew I was going to inherit his S80 speakers and his BeoGram 1800 turntable (with broken dust cover, thanks to careless/clueless cleaning lady).  But while cleaning out his apartment last week, deep at the back of a closet, I discovered an unexpected surprise: a BeoMaster 2000 receiver, BeoCord 2000 cassette deck, and S45 speakers.  (Also somewhere between 500 and a million old cassettes, mostly classical, but that's beside the point).  I believe these components once belonged to my uncle (well, he was really my mother's cousin, but we called him uncle, so...) who fancied himself the 1950s-60s version of an audiophile and left behind a variety of audio equipment when he died in the early 2000s.

My happiness in this discovery was very much tempered though when I examined the pieces, cabled them together and plugged them in.  The speakers are, of course, in severe need of refoaming.  The receiver seems to have only a tiny and distorted output on the left channel. And the cassette deck makes a loud whirring/buzzing noise when plugged in and doesn't work at all.

So, is this set a goner?  How much work is likely to be involved in bringing these components back to usable life?  Is it even possible, or worth it, to do so?  I might refoam the speakers to go in another room of my apartment and augment the S80s.  But while I have some electronics capabilities and used to rebuild laptops, I live in a not huge NYC apartment and don't have a basement or a garage or a shop or a lot of space to work on things. I also already have a good stereo setup, so if this is going to take a ton of work or be an essentially endless digging/experimenting project, as much as I hate to abandon beautiful B&O equipment, I will probably have to give it a pass.

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