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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beorgram 7000 Gear Positioning

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cleitner Posted: Sun, Jun 16 2019 10:20 AM


I got a Beorgram 7000 from my grand mom recently, and noticed that the carriage arm was not moving when playing a record. I opened it up and noticed that the hook for the carriage cable broke. The cable was mangled inside the gears and nothing was moving. I took everything apart threaded the cable in and printed a new hook. This seams to work fine. Unfortunately my gear positions are not right so I can "Turn" the carriage only half way and the one of the gears blocks the carriage. Does someone have a picture of a working Beogram 7000 from the inside so I can adjust the gears?

Pictures of my current situation:

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Weebyx replied on Mon, Jun 17 2019 8:16 AM

Normally the gears are self adjusting. What I normally do, is to put the platter wheel back in place, and turn it by hand. This will adjust all gears. You can remove the black round plastic cover from the metal fra, then you can push the white lever in the middle and see that gears engage, or you can push the black middle record detector, and hold it down while turning, this will also engage gears.

I have at one point seen a unit where I could not do this. it seemed completely stock. So I just took off the upper gear, and then I could see that a plastic lever underneath had jumped out of its support and stoppede the gears from moving.

After putting gears back in and turning the gears with the platter support by and, all gears adjusted themselves.


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