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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beomaster 3000 (model 2402)

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Mek82 Posted: Mon, Sep 16 2019 8:59 PM

I have been so lucky, I hope, to win an auction, for 3 beomaster 3000.

one should be in working order, the other two sold as repair/spares.

I haven’t had the time yet to test them. Nor the speaker plugs.

I know, that right now, the two 3000 that are not working, the reason could be anything from a fuse or something much worse.

What I want to ask, as this is my first piece of vintage HiFi, apart from the Lenco L75 I found at the curb side left for thrash.

Is there anything I should look out for in the pieces that doesn’t work? Or some tips and tricks?

Top 10 Contributor
Copenhagen / Denmark
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Dillen replied on Tue, Sep 17 2019 5:04 PM

It's safe to say, that all of these lovely beasts will need a thorough restoration by now, rather than discrete repairs.
A general service kit is available (capacitors, tantals, trimmers, lamps), and then any eventual remaining faults will have to be diagnosed and repaired,
In most cases I would recommend doing the repairs before restoring, mainly because of the risk of introducing more faults while restoring, but
in some units there are so many components prone to aging, that it can be next to impossible to diagnose the (often many) individual faults - and
many of the faults will be in the aging components themselves anyways.

Always worth restoring nice units.


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