ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I need to get a new catridge/sylus for my Beogram 2200, the old one is a model MMC 20 E
but would any of these below be OK ??
or preferred for that matter !
it looks like the MMC 20 S and the MMC 20 CL are the most expensive / sought after, are they really that much better, should I pay extra for one of those, providing I can even find one of course
You can use any of the following:
The best is the CL, with the EN being the next best of the 20 series. However the alternative, if you have an old cartridge which is worn, is to get Axel to fit a new stylus assembly. That way you can have anything you want! I have a MMC20S fitted with a Shibata diamond which makes it the equivalent of a MMC5000. The 20S is the least specified of the 20 range. S stands for Spherical, E for elliptical, EN for Elliptical Nude and CL for Contact Line.
Peter, thanks for that timely reply, the hunt is on !
Just to add, in case it helps you to decide... 20S and 20E (and I suppose 10E as well) are black, while the others are silver