ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Only available in America.
Nice one Jonathan !
BeoNut since '75
On a semi-serious point, it does make one ponder from where B&O derived the design!
Haven't laughed so much in a looooong time!
Moderators must always have censored the original concept for BeoCom 2, methinks..
Christophe : Haven't laughed so much in a looooong time! Moderators must always have censored the original concept for BeoCom 2, methinks..
to say nothing of the Beosound 8 ...
elephant: Christophe : Haven't laughed so much in a looooong time! Moderators must always have censored the original concept for BeoCom 2, methinks.. to say nothing of the Beosound 8 ...
and less about a combo of BeoSound 8 with BeoCom 2 ...
lol what building is this ?
Vähintään yhdeksänkymmentä prosenttia suomalainen!
How is the bass
That's clever!
Too long to list....