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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beogram 8000 linear transport carriage behaving badly

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New Hampshire, USA
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Walt Posted: Sun, Jan 13 2013 6:40 PM

I have recently acquired a Beogram 8000 Type 5613 in very good condition except for the fact that the traversing arm does not work properly.  The in PLAY mode, the LED (orange) lights, the arm moves 1 or 2 mm waits a moment, then the LED turns off and arm returns to rest.  Platter coasts to stop.  In TURN mode, the platter turns at 33.33 rpm, and if I then touch PLAY, LED comes on, arm moves to correct location of platter edge, waits, LED goes off and arm returns to rest,  MAchine shuts off.

I have the assembly in service mode - all parts available for inspection and testing.  I am mechanically trained with little electronics experience,, but some knowledge (enough to have built Dyna amplifier, preamp and tuner kits back in 1966 - they still work fine).  I am careful and have good tools, also electronics technical resources nearby that will help if I m over my head.

What I am hoping for is some guidance in the logical steps to take to try and identify the problem  I believe that the most probable cause is a non-functioning photodetector or a component of that circuit - the detector does not see the LED reflection (my guess).  I have used my finger to spin the traversing worm gear it's full length and back - it moves freely.  The belt seems to be in excellent shape and the fit seems to be properly slack.  The photo tach wheel seems to be in new condition.  I have not yet tried removing the transport carriage assembly - not sure how to do this.  Now have I made any electrical checks.

Looking for guidance and opinions.  Happy to send fotos of the parts if that is useful.  I have a service manual (shows the LED photodiode and photodetector in the circuit as parts 502 & 501. respectively.  S/N is 2416070.  I would like to restore this gem so that I can hear some recently received archival LP's at their best.

Any help appreciated.


Lyme, NH, USA 

Top 10 Contributor
Copenhagen / Denmark
Posts 13,191
Dillen replied on Sun, Jan 13 2013 8:04 PM

The carriage reverses to park position because the processor resets.

Typical symptom of bad capacitors. Grab a kit and replace the lot.
Check also for cracked solder joints, the kit shows the places most prone.
Most faults are cured by this alone and you can't diagnose eventual other faults with
old caps and cracked solder joints all over the board.


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Kære Martin jeg har udskiftet nærmest alle kondensatorer fra dit sæt. Men den går i stå ved start og kan køres ind med piletast. Men armen vil ikke gå ned. Din tacoskive har gjort den bare drejer rundt 33 og 45 :-). Tror du det er dårlige forbindelser? Hvad med sensor til plade? Kan det være den. Der er lys i nr. 2 arm... var der ikke kondensator med til strømforsyning? Mvh Peter


Top 10 Contributor
Copenhagen / Denmark
Posts 13,191
Dillen replied on Sat, Sep 22 2018 8:07 PM

"nærmest alle kondensatorer"?
- Hvorfor ikke dem alle? 

Hvis armen ikke vil gå ned, er det fordi den ikke ser, at der er en plade.

Udskiftning af kondensatorer og reparation af dårlige lodninger, stik osv. er kun enkelte trin i rækken af ting, der skal gøres på disse modeller.
Det er ret normalt, at de efterhånden behøver en generel renovering og ikke bare diskrete reparationer. 


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