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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beosound 5 encore, MLGateway, and ML NL Converter

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Bronze Member
eromano Posted: Sun, Oct 11 2020 7:50 PM



I have a beosound 5 encore which I would like to remotely control through the Beolink iPad app and a  Masterlink gateway. 

The MLGW is working with the last software 2.24b, however it fails to recognize the Beosound on the network. 

However, my understanding is that the beosound encore is a NetLink product (NL). Should I use a NL/ML converter to connect it to the Masterlink gateway ?

Thank you for your help.




Top 150 Contributor
Posts 742


I have a beosound 5 encore which I would like to remotely control through the Beolink iPad app and a Masterlink gateway.

The MLGW is working with the last software 2.24b, however it fails to recognize the Beosound on the network.

However, my understanding is that the beosound encore is a NetLink product (NL). Should I use a NL/ML converter to connect it to the Masterlink gateway ?

Thank you for your help.



Hi Elliot,

The BS5 Encore has neither Netlink nor Masterlink. Its Ethernet socket allows it to play music via DLNA from a server on your network, e.g. a Beomaster 5 or a NAS running a compatible DLNA server.

(The BS5/BM5 combo has Masterlink, so you could make that Netlink-compatible using a BLC NL/ML.)

As the MLGW is designed to integrate B&O and non-B&O, you may be able to make it issue IR commands from a B&O remote in another room. But I have no experience in this area.

If you ever succeed in making the BS5E Netlink-compatible using the MLGW, do let me know, as I have a BS5E and a BLGW.

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