ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Over the years I have collected some B&O promo CD's. I have been using to help with my collecting. Specifically I have been looking for the vol. X series: e.g. different waves, active listening, etc. I have catalogued info on these CD's as best as I could on discogs.
Interestingly, some of these CD's are nowhere to be found on the internet! So I thought to ask here, maybe someone has these in their collection and can help me make a discogs page for the missing CD's.
Most previously unknown CD's have shown up here! I added them on discogs. Still looking for more info on Vol. II. The collector who shared Vol. I explained there probably is no vol II as Vol I came in two parts.
A lot of other B&O promo CD's were shared here on beoworld. I made discogs pages for these so collectors can easily find them.
A list of known promo CD's:
Vol. I - Classics and Vol. I - Popular: There are two volume ones. Foxtrott got the ball rolling by sharing his 'classics' disc. A discogs collector chipped in with scans from both CD's.
Vol. II (2)
The second CD is missing, no info anywhere on the internet. The collector who shared both vol. I's explained that there probably is no vol II because there are two vol I's. Who has more information?
Vol. III (3) - natural sound. This one has some nice classical music on it. The front shows a drawing of a bird. Issued in 1990.
Vol. IV (4) - Different waves. Promo for BC2500, front alludes nicely to transition from analog to digital.
Vol. V (5) - Time for another great performance
Vol. VI (6) - Time for another great performance. This one has one mention on the entire internet. From this I made a discogs page for it. I don't have it in my collection, it seems to be quite rare.
Vol. VII (7) - a new view on music. This sought after 6CD set for BS9000 came in two different packages:
Vol. VIII (8) - Active Listening
Vol. IX (9) - Royal philharmonic plays disney favourites
Vol. X (10) - Beolab 1 demonstration CD. Thanks to Foxtrott for clearing this up!
Vol. XI (11) - Active listening II
Vol. XII (12) Active listening III
Vol. XIII (13) - The sound of perfection. The final issue in the series for as far as I know, from 2005. Packed in a beautiful aluminium case.
Hi Premiumverum,
Great idea, I was lucky enough to get some B&O demo/promo CDs when a dealer closed down, so I can help you with some informations on Vol. I and Vol. X.
- Vol. I is called "Bang&Olufsen Classics", was issued 1988 and distributed by Polygram DK. I have the CD, sadly without cover/booklet and tracklist.
- Vol. X is the "Demonstration CD - Beolab 1" , a CD espacially made to demonstrate the Beolab 1 speaker. It has tracks pop/jazz/classic tracks and each track contains extracts/parts from different songs. No year indicated, back says "This CD has been developped in kind cooperation with CMC Records". I have the complete CD with cover and booklet but as far as I know this CD was made only for B&O shops and was not on intended as a goodie/give away.
There are a few other B&O Promo CDs that I have in my collection):
- Natural Sound from 2003 (cooperation with Deutsche Grammophon), CD/Book in CD Format black/wihite photo on front/silver back
- The Duets from 1999, Mulgrew Miller & Nils Henning Orsted Pedersern (known as NHOP) playing Duke Ellington pieces
- Promo CD for Audi A8 Advanced Sound System (same CD as Vol. XIII)
- "Open Mind Volume 2" (2003) Compiled by Kipper
- "Opend Mind Volume 3" (2005) Compiled by Kipper
- "This is Different" by Kipper (2006)
- 6 CD Set "Jazz" "Soul" "Pop" "Rock" "Electronic" "Classical" for BS 9000, comes in silver/greyish Box
I hope this helps a little bit. I don't have photos/scans of the CDs or the booklets at hand, but if needed I could make them.
"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."
William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part 2, Act 4
Premiumverum:maybe someone has these in their collection and can help me make a discogs page for the missing CD's.
First of all, thank you for making those discogs pages, they helped me A LOT when trying to DIY-recreate the "new view on music" set for my newly acquired Beosound 9000. (may sounds like a little bit odd but it's very rare and searched). Anyway thank you. Thousand times…
Then, i was ready advise you to contact a certain member of the forum who owns an AMAZING collection of demo-CD's.But he did chime in before that, it's Foxtrott above, who I warmly salute.
Agan thanks and good hunt !
Premiumverum:Vol. XIII (13) - The sound of perfection.
great, thanks! That is a nice collection! The open mind series are very nice too. Volume one seems hard to find though! Have you ever seen the 6CD set art of seduction, this is also a very classy one :) Super that you want to help!
Could you send a picture of the Bang&Olufsen classics CD? I'll put it on discogs and maybe some other members there will chime in with extra info. That also happened when I made the page for vol. VI.
Can you make a picture of the beolab 1 demonstration CD where it says Vol. X? There is already a page for it on discogs but vol X is not mentioned nor visible on the scans. I will update it!
I cannot find the audi A8 promo CD on discogs nor anywhere else on the internet. If you can shoot some pictures of the booklet and CD I will also add it to discogs.
Thank you! However most work was done by other collectors and discogs members, I merely streamlined and corrected some things. THe 6CD box set is also on my wantlist, prices are high however, seems very sought after!
Thank you! Will update to discogs! Such a beautiful aluminium package :)
AUDI A8 promo CD picture 1
picture 2
picture 3
picture 4
picture 5
next picture 5
picture 6
Thanks very much Beozip, I will upload them to discogs!
"You think we can slap some oak on this thing?"
This is a great idea! I remember googling those CDs (I have couple myself, don't think anything that wasn't already mentioned) as well and finding very little results. Also some of the tracks seem very obscure and no lyrics can be found.
I have more pics from B&O Audio CD in BMW, AMG and 5.1 Car Audio
Do you have interest?
My pleasure, glad I can help. I know the art of seductiuon set, I got some CDs from both versions from the dealer that closed, sadly none of the sets are complete but since I don't own a BS9000 it is not so much of a problem.
Of course I can send you picture of the Classic CDC and the cover with the Vol. X indication, do you also need the track listing of Vol. X? I suggest you send me a PM/Conversation with the details. And I see that Beozip beat me in posting the Audi A8 promo CD.
Present: BL90, Core, BL6000, CD7000, Beogram 7000, Essence Remote.
Past: BL1, BL2, BL8000, BS9000, BL5, BC2, BS5, BV5, BV4-50, Beosystem 3, BL3, DVD1, Beoremote 4, Moment.
Here a "quick and dirty" scan of the backside Beolab 1 Demo CD cover with the Vol. X indication:
and the Vol. I CD
@Beozip: sure that'd be great! I'll add them to discogs.
@Leosgonewild: thanks! Hey the total chillout CD I have never seen before. Looks cool great find! I'll add it to discogs.
@seethroughyou and Lausvi: many different styles of music. Also a blast from the past sometimes. e.g. vol. IV, promo for BC2500, has some real 90's sounds. Take a look around on the discogs pages, the tracklists are there:
@Foxtrott:super I think this is all we need! For vol. X there is already info and other scans on discogs. I will add this one. For Vol. 1 we don't have anything but your scan, but hopefully another collector comes along and can add more info like tracklist and cover art.
This is great! Now only Vol II is still nowhere to be found...
I have the following
Active listening 1
Active listening 3
Open Minds 1
Open Minds 2
Unfortunately, I will not be able stop access the original discs and sleeves until Christmas
@Premiumversum: You are very welcome. I can add a bit of information regarding the tracklist of Vol. 1. The CD has 8 tracks and some of them are well known classic pieces where I could identify at least the title (some are easy to identify and with some I had help). Here are the information I can contribute:
Track 1: Ouverture from Music for the Royal Fireworks (HWV 351) by Georg Freidrich Händel
Track 2: Etude 10 Nr. 3 "tristesse" by Frédéric Chopin
Track 3: Morgenstimmung / Morgenstemning (Allegretto pastorale) from the Peer-Gynt-Suite 1 by Edvard Grieg
Track 4: ? (organ piece, probably a Toccata)
Track 5: ? (probybly part of a piano concerto or a piece for piano and strings)
Track 6: Flute Concerto No. 1 in F Major "La tempesta die mare", RV 433 Allegro by Antonio Vivaldi
Track 7: ? (a rather slow piece, two instruments, sounds like flute and harp)
Track 8: "Va pensiero"/(Chorus of the hebrew slaves) from the Opera Nabucco by Giuseppe Verdi. Choir sings in german.
I cannot Identify any orchestra, artists, etc..
I hope this helps a bit.
Premiumverum:@Beozip: sure that'd be great! I'll add them to discogs.
ok here you go
pic 1 Mercedes AMG
pic 2
pic 3 inside
picture 3 inside
edit sorry
more ...
edit more .... sorry
another one
last from AMG
the first from BMW sound CD
inside ...
another one ....
the last from BMW
the first from a Journey
sorry double post