ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi hi I need some help ?
I just got a lovely setup, with great sound, as can be expected.
Setup: Sonos Port connected via RCA to B&O Transmitter 1 with a wireless connection to 2x Beolab 17 and Beolab 19.
Problem: After some time of non-use 15 + minutes, they the speakers go to sleep or standby
I have to unplug/plug the Transmitter and to be able to get sound again.
I read the WPL_DUMP.txt from the Transmitter
;WPL-TX (svn:5309) Current Settings:
RCA impedance:HIGHRCA triggerlevel:200RCA timeout:900TOSLink timeout:1RCA and TOSLink gain:-3ALWAYS ON:FALSEMULTIPLE PL SOURCES:FALSE
See here Always on: False, can I / should I change it to TRUE ? Is that OK for the Speakers ?
RCA Timeout ? should I change that ?
Is there Update that I can/should use ?
Here is the Debug LOG:
[00295438]MEMSTICK SW update check starting 00002769 Total 00002769
[00295672]WPL_TX SW updating Speaker 0 Not done
[00295695]WPL_TX SW updating Speaker 1 Not done[00295714]WPL_TX SW updating Speaker 2 Not done
[00295736]MEMSTICK SW update check completed 00000301 Total 00003070 [00295896]Sense status, PL=0 TOSLINK=0 LINE=1 USBB=0 USBA=0 ATI=0 ALWAYSON=0 TESTMODE=OFF PL/Line Switch=POWERLINK, ASSOCIATED
Need help please
and that seem sto do the trick.
Please comment if you see problem with that ?
Can you describe how you get this debug output and how to change the settings on the Transmitter?
BinniB:Please comment if you see problem with that ?
The TR1 Installation Guide has the following statements:
(1) TRUE ~ connection to speakers are always on, for faster start up. Power consumption is somewhat higher compared to standby consumption.
(2) It is recommended not to set ALWAYS ON:TRUE in countries having 5 or fewer 5 GHz channels;
So if you have no issue with the above, then this setting is ok if it solves your RCA issue.
BS Moment, BS Core, BG 4002, BC 4500, BS1, BL18, BL19, BL8000 + RCV1, A6, M5, M3, A1, P6 (tks Botty), H5, TR1
Hi hi
I Live in Iceland, I dont know how many 5 GHz channels we/I have..any Idea ?
Regarding the Power it just few cents.. so I dont mind, only worried about the speakers.
Is there better way of doing this ?
BinniB: I Live in Iceland, I dont know how many 5 GHz channels we/I have..
I Live in Iceland, I dont know how many 5 GHz channels we/I have..
More than 5
BinniB: Regarding the Power it just few cents.. so I dont mind, only worried about the speakers.
If you have no concern about unnecessary electricity consumption, then I would consider the the lifetime of an electrically powered component that I guess depends on its use, but I don't have the skills to tell by how much a given speaker component life will be shortened if always up vs being in standby or powered off. Another point to consider is the power surge damages to an electrically powered product turned on or in standby.
Back to your issue, maybe increasing the RCA sensitivity could help. The minimum value for the RCA trigger level is 30 (highest sensitivity) and the maximum value is 1000.