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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beogram 8002 tonearm not tracking

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peel100 Posted: Mon, Aug 9 2021 11:19 PM

I'm having the following problem with this turntable.  The tonearm cues up as normal but it sticks in the same spot.  You can see the stylus move but the tonearm doesn't.  A little background,  The original problem with this turntable was that after you hit play the tonearm would imove inward for a couple seconds then stop not moving to the start position of the record.  I removed the aperture covering IL1 that lights the photoresistors on the control board.  The tonearm began to move properly and dropped at the start of the record but it won't track.  All the other controls work properly which weren't before removing the aperture.  Is the tracking somehow related to those photoresistors or is their something else that I should check.  It would be nice if the service manual explained how the tracking works but it seems by some kind of photo control.  Any help would be appreciated.



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peel100 replied on Tue, Aug 10 2021 12:30 PM

Thought I'd get this out before anyone replies.  The tonearm is now tracking properly..  All that was needed was to nudge the tonearm a bit and to keep testing to where it actually would track on its own.  

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sonavor replied on Tue, Aug 10 2021 3:20 PM

That's good but unless the voltage values across the two LDRs in the control panel are adjusted to what the service manual requires then you will probably run into the problem again.  Also, if you are referring to the tangential tracking when playing a record...did you perform that service manual adjustment?


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