ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Does anyone know where I can obtain a new glass door for a B&O Century?
From B&O?
Too long to list....
The glass door for the BeoSound Century is still available from your local Bang & Olufsen dealer. The part number is 3162063.
Note that this is the later verison and is suitable for models from serial number 11081975 on onwards.
If your serial number is lower than this, the glass door has a different part number but this version is no longer available.
ferrari458spider: Does anyone know where I can obtain a new glass door for a B&O Century?
If you still have the (broken) door with the bracket on it then go to a glass store and let them make a new one.
Remove the bracket, paint a black stripe and use epoxy to glue on the new door. As simple as that...
Brengen & Ophalen