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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beomaster 1000 (type 2316) one channel weak

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Ari Drucker
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Bronze Member
Ari Drucker Posted: Thu, Sep 9 2021 12:53 PM


I just got a B&O Beomaster 1000 (type 2316) and connected my Beogram 1700 to it, and Beovox S40 speakers. I plugged the Beogram in to Gramophone II (which has the built-in preamp), right channel sounds fantastic, left channel is much weaker - no buzzing, just kinda dim (both in Stereo and Mono mode).

I first thought the built-in preamp was the culprit, but the problem was still there when listening to the radio.

To isolate the issue, I connected the speaker from the left side to the right speaker output, and it sounded great, so the problem is not with the speaker itself (nor with the speaker cable).

The Beomaster has outputs for 2 sets of speakers but the problem persists in both sets.

I also tried to press/release all the buttons and turn all the knobs up and down several times (while power off) to shake off any dust etc.

The same problem persists whether I connect the speakers to Speaker set A or Speaker set B on the Beomaster.

So my question is, where is most likely the problem and how can it be fixed?

Also, since I intend to only use one set of speakers, is there a component I could take from the right side of Speaker set B, and put it in the left side of Speaker set A, such that I get 2 working channels on speaker set A? 

And if nothing else works, is it ok to connect each speaker to the left of each of the speaker sets, have both speaker sets on, and listen in Mono? or is that just a waste of a potentially great system.

Any help would be much appreciated!



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