ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I have a BV8 40'' (US model). It will sometimes turn off by itself. Other times, the screen freezes, and then goes black. This has happened perhaps 3 times in the last week (and perhaps twice in the prior 6 mos, and never before that). Does anyone know if the TV store "fault codes"? These are very sporatic problems that I cannot reproduce. However, I want the TV to be checked out while it is still under warranty (about another 6 mos left).
I called the shop, and they do not do in home service so it must get carted away for a few days (luckily the B&O repair center is nearby). However, my fear is that the repair center will turn it on for a few hours, see no problem and send it back. This would be a lot of trouble for nothing.
On the other hand, if there were some fault codes stored away, then maybe there would be a fighting chance to troubleshoot.
Thanks in advance,