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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Weak sound in left speaker on STEREO FM radio but not on Mono or when using tape in?

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drfresh Posted: Fri, Oct 1 2021 9:37 AM


I've been doing some minor repairs on my beautiful Beomaster 900K. And somehow I must have done some damage that I'm not able to figure out.

As the subject says: when playing Stereo FM radio I only hear sound on the right speaker, the left is either dead or very weak. If I switch to mono everything is good. Likewise when I plug something in to the tape in both channels play perfectly and loud. I.e. the speakers and the amplifier works. But something must be wrong on the stereo decoder (I guess). Any idea? I have done some resoldering of the transistor that is situated on the side probably for cooling reasons in a small "hoister" on the decoder board. Could something be wrong there? I can't see anything wrong (cold soldering or bad connection).



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