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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


B&O Multiroom "Dongle" for 3rd party Hifi systems? Good idea?

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Top 75 Contributor
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TWG Posted: Mon, Jan 17 2022 12:49 PM


what do you think about a B&O dongle to use the multiroom plattform of B&O with 3rd party Hifi systems or active speakers?

No powerlink out, no home automation, just line out (analog and optical), controlled by the B&O app and of course an optional Essence remote, Beoremote one BT... Like a stripped down Core and a nice opportunity to lure customers and infect them with the Beovirus.

Yamaha had something similar to get customers into the Musiccast world:

Top 75 Contributor
Paris, France
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mbee replied on Mon, Jan 17 2022 1:51 PM

too niche to be commercially believable. You can already mix B&O to third party systems via Ariplay 2 and Google cast.

Top 10 Contributor
Flensborg, Denmark
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What you are asking for is basicly what the BS Core (or the BS Essence MK2) do.

Just use an adapter cable RJ45/PL to RCA-L/R.

The only thing that you ask for to be ‘stripped down’) is the input port of the Core/Essence…..which I would sadly miss if it was not there.

(Home automation does not come with the Core - not unless you have a Beolink Gateway/BLI in the setup).


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