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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beogram 1200

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Jomendel Posted: Thu, Sep 19 2013 3:26 PM

Thank you for all the quick answers! 

Any comment or advice on the Beogram 1200?

I live in South Africa and can get the Beomaster 1900

+ Beogram 1200 + 2 AR LS speakers for about US$ 110

I bought it. The TT motor or something can be heard? The tone arm 

seems to be on the light side. The slightest bit of movement 

makes it skip a groove or two. 

I see a member thanked "Peter" for making a user manual for BG1200 available for

download but I cannot get to the link. Any help?

thanks to all!







Søren Mexico
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Mexico City
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Manuals are available onsite for silver and gold members, the 1200 has transport screws under the record platter, these has to be loose, the tonearm has to be light, the pressure to the record is only 1-2 gr. adjustable with the small knob on the side of the tonearm support. The counter weight has to be adjusted to "0" before adjusting the knob. (see manual)

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