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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Vintage B&O for sale (Sweden) Now in Technicolor!

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Top 150 Contributor
Örebro, Sweden
Posts 521
Gold Member
tamtapir Posted: Sun, Sep 29 2013 12:25 PM

I have six four devices I want to sell:

1.       Beocord 5000 (4705). Lights up, sound from motor but does not pull the tape. Requires new belts and cleaning/grease. Looks good. Palisander/jakaranda/rosewood. 500 SEK 50 Euro

2.       Beogram 6006. Table rotate too fast and the tone arm move against the center but does not go back. Looking good. Palisander/jakaranda/rosewood. 1500 SEK 150 Euro

3.       BEO 610. SOLD.

4.       HiFi Stereo Amplifier 608. SOLD.

5.       Beomaster 900, really nice looking. Has been owned of Michael B Tretow. Everything functions that it should. Palisander/jakaranda/rosewood. 500 SEK 50 Euro

6.       Beogram 1500. A Beogram 1000 combined with an amplifier. Working but with crackling sounds when turning the volume. Palisander/jakaranda/rosewood. 500 SEK 50 Euro

All devices are in Örebro in Sweden but can is sent all over the world if needed.

Give me offer for one or more devices.



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