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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beocord7000 not running despite full belt replacement

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This post has 2 Replies | 1 Follower

Top 100 Contributor
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Silver Member
ALF Posted: Fri, Nov 1 2013 6:16 AM

greetings all,

just replaced the complete set of belts - kindly supplied by Dillen/Martin - on my Beocord7000 but

all I am getting is some clicking and I can hear clearly the capstan motor is working however the tape won't play - the drive simply does not engage ???

gone through the belt-replacement process twice to check whether a belt might have come off....nope !

all still in place as it should....................and I have no idea what to do/check next ??

coincidentally the drawer seems to have too much play and I wonder whether it can be height-adjusted in its trails ?

I can lift it vertically and that seem odd to be able to do that, understanding it will have to have some tolerance and play in its rails.

so, my SOS goes out to you guys - your suggestions and expert advice will be most appreciated.


cheers, ALF

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Orava replied on Fri, Nov 1 2013 11:51 AM

Timing problem? Mech should be free rolling position when installing belts.

 blah-blah and photographs as needed

Top 100 Contributor
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Silver Member
ALF replied on Fri, Nov 1 2013 1:24 PM

hi there,


sorry, but didn't quite get your response ??

but here is what the problem was/is:

flat-belt path was wrongly applied hence a free-wheeling idler wheel/pully

as for the drawer height-adjustment:

sagging was due to a worn steering wheel on the left drawer rail.

it was indeed so bad that one of the brass-pullies was scraping on the floor metal.

patched it up but needs a new tyre.

I contacted dillen/martin with the question whether he could supply a spare part.

if one of you guys can. maybe even a complete left rail please do not hesitate to send me a PM


cheers ALF :-))


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