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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


B&O 9.2 Home-Cinema with Front Height

B&O 9.2 Home-Cinema with Front Height
posted by baronvejrup
Wed, Dec 18 2013

Downloads: 309
File size: 1.1MB
Views: 2,781


See Light Control Setup 

Fun with the Lighting Sceene

BeoVision 11 - 46

2 x 4" Bass forsynet af separate 32W ICEpower Klasse D
2 x 2" Mellemtone forsynet af separate 32W ICEpower Klasse D
2 x 3/4" Diskant forsynet af separate 32W ICEpower Klasse D

Front Speakers

BeoLab 9
10" Bass 500W Klasse D, ICEpower
5" Mellemtone 100W Klasse AB
Acoustic Lens Technology Diskant 100W Klasse AB
28 - 29000 Hz

Front Height

Beolab 4
4" Bass 35W Klasse D, ICEpower
3/4" Diskant 30W Klasse D, ICEpower
med loftbeslag

Side surround 

BeoLab 8000
Klasse AB 143W
52 - 20,000 Hz 
Bass 2 x 10 cm 
Diskant 1.8 cm 

Back surround

Beolab 4
4" Bass 35W Klasse D, ICEpower
3/4" Diskant 30W Klasse D, ICEpower
med loftbeslag

2 x Subwoofer

XTZ 99W10.16 
10" Bass 300W forstærker


3D aktive technologi

Surround Modul der kan styrer op til 12 lydkanaler igennem en TrueImage Processor

360 ° Automatic Picture Control sensor - Måler omgivende lys på alle sider af tv'et for bedre at vurdere og justere billedet efter reflekteret lys, f.eks. fra hvide vægge. Dette giver en betydeligt forbedret automatisk justering af kontrast og lysstyrke, da sensorens registrering af det omgivende lys er meget tæt på brugerens faktiske opfattelse.

Beo 4

Mitsubishi HC5000

Lissau Tab-Tension 92" screen


MacMini mediacenter
2.3GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7
256 GB Solid-State Drive

Thunderbolt Raid
Promise Pegasus 24TB R5 RAID System

Playstation Slim


leosgonewild wrote re: B&O 9.2 Home-Cinema with Front Height
on Sat, Oct 25 2014 11:27 AM

DAMN! That is one sweet set-up :)