ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi there, I was hoping to get a suggestion on how to replace the plastic counterpiece holding the worm gear in place (on drawing right above #25), Thank you Mike
Since I had a second unit for parts I am transferring 110v unit items over to a 220 b base. . I discovered that the solder on a board marked 94VO(110v unit) had come off ...shown in pics with the purple wire. Since I am new at this: any suggestions on how to re-attach and connect to the board's circuit?i do not think simply soldering on will do as the whole base came off.
My other unit (220v) has a similar board but is marked 94V-1.....any difference between those? Thanks for any input.
Hi,Welcome to Beoworld.On your first question, I am still not clear what piece you are referring to.On your second question, the transformer and power supply circuit should be the only places there is a difference between your two units. The other parts may have different revisions but shouldn't be related to 110 v or 220 v. On my US model BG8002, I have the 94V-1 board you mention. You can see a picture of mine here.
The full thread on my BG8002 is here.
Awesome. Thank you.
On question 1: the worm drive is hinged in two places:
1.where it attaches to the belt and
2.ob the other end where it sits on a 'plastic nose'....shown in the diagram.and pic.
But never mind now....since i am using the spare unit's base. :) to do some soldering.