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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beogram CD 50 disc tray don't operate and clicking noise

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This post has 2 Replies | 1 Follower

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Midwest USA
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wokbelly Posted: Tue, Sep 27 2016 4:10 AM

I have a  Beogram CD 50  the door flops open wont work via motorized and also don't play discs makes a clicking sound  and the disc wont turn i cant see the belt to know if thats the problem so i don't know if that it would  cause the servo motors run the disc tray(cause they don't) also there is just 000 in the readout on the front i hope this is a common easy fix i have checked all visible fuses and they check out fine  Thanks

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Newcastle upon Tyne UK
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Lee replied on Tue, Sep 27 2016 11:57 AM
It will need the tray loading belt replacing. It's responsible for opening and closing the drawer and loading the CD into the correct position to be read.

Not an easy job I'm afraid but do able if you take your time and be careful.

Here's the instructions...

Member Dillen will be able to help you source a replacement belt of the correct size.


Saint Beogrowler
Top 150 Contributor
Saint Paul
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Also, the motor will most likely need a rebuild. A fragile operation and easily destroyed.

Here is a good reference

I've done this 5 times and only 3 are up and running.

A really great player. Also, make sure you put the disk in upsidedown. The laser is down facing rather than upward as we are accustomed to.
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