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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

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[BeoLink / Network-Link] Beolab 5 in the modern era ?

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CB Posted: Fri, Dec 9 2016 8:54 PM



Not sure I use the right technical words, so correct me please (I know absolutely nothing of B&O link means...)

--> Is there a solution to digitaly integrate a pair of BL5 (i.e. not with Powerlink cables but SPDIF or Toslink) and without having to plug them to a Beosound ?

For example : I'd like to start a song on a modern Beolink product (BS 1, 2, 35, etc.) and I want the BL5 to join so I can "send" the song from the BSx to them.

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mjmedlo replied on Sat, Dec 10 2016 1:21 AM
Try a beosound essence.

Will do just ha

What you want
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steve1977 replied on Sat, Dec 10 2016 2:22 AM
not sure with spdif, but easily doable with pl if you use a ml/no converter.

others may know whether feasible over spdif.
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CB replied on Sat, Dec 10 2016 6:43 AM

Try a beosound essence. Will do just what you want

Thank you for your answer, but the BS Essence has no Digital out to feed the BL5...

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mjmedlo replied on Sat, Dec 10 2016 1:25 PM
Ahh yes.. if you want spdif that'll be an issue

May have to find a second life beosound and an ml/nl converter
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CB replied on Sat, Dec 10 2016 3:10 PM

May have to find a second life beosound and an ml/nl converter

Even in this case, Powerlink cables will be compulsory and I'm not sure of what kind of signal (analog or digital) will be sent to the BL5.

This is where the difficulty lies, and that's why my question is :

"--> Is there a solution to digitaly integrate a pair of BL5 (i.e. not with Powerlink cables but SPDIF or Toslink) and without having to plug them to a Beosound ?"

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kimchr replied on Sat, Dec 10 2016 3:47 PM

My BL5s Are connected digitally to a chromecast audio. They sound amazing with this as a source. A coverter to convert chromecast's optical output to coax is needed. That can be a tiny inexpensive device. So basically now I have everything hidden behind one of my speakers.

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CB replied on Sat, Dec 10 2016 6:42 PM

My BL5s are connected digitally to a chromecast audio.

This sounds just as GREAT Idea

Plus, I just read that the Synology app for music (DS Audio) is compatible with Chromecast. This is also a great news !

--> I will be able to stream directly and digitaly from my NAS or from TuneIn/Deezer/Spotify/etc. to my BL5s.


Now the second part of my question:

"I'd like to start a song on a modern BeoLink product (BS 1, 2, 35, etc.) and I want the BL5 to join so I can "send" the song from the BSx to them."

As far as I understand, the new Beosounds have "Google cast" technology integrated. This isn't exactly Chromecast... And not all Google cast equipped devices are compatible with Chromecast Huh?

--> a (negative) answer is here Sad

Hope it's just a matter of time...

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CB replied on Tue, Jan 17 2017 5:37 PM

So here we are !

Add these very very very small components to your BL5, and... that's all Cool

Chromecast audio

(Short) optical cable (2 different plugs)

Toslink to SPDIF coaxial converter

(Short) 75 Ohms coaxial cable

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elephant replied on Tue, Jan 17 2017 9:49 PM
I agree CB that is great news. Must be fantastic listening experience.

However I am confused and Wikipedia is not helping Stick out tongue

I thought toslink / sprig were almost the same thing.

So what is the role of the little black box ?

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Flere replied on Tue, Jan 17 2017 9:51 PM
And you will need the sync cable between the BL5's and a remote to switch them on and off and control the volume.

- Flere

smile and enjoy the moment

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CB replied on Tue, Jan 17 2017 11:00 PM

I agree CB that is great news. Must be fantastic listening experience.

However I am confused and Wikipedia is not helping Stick out tongue

I thought toslink / sprig were almost the same thing.

So what is the role of the little black box ?

To my understanding :

Toslink is an optical digital link.

SPDIF is an electrical (coaxial) digital link.

The little squared box convert the optical signal into an electrical signal.


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CB replied on Tue, Jan 17 2017 11:04 PM

And you will need the sync cable between the BL5's and a remote to switch them on and off and control the volume.

You're right, and I already used them like that with a B&O wheely and a Samsung LinkMate WAM270. The Chromecast way is more flexible.

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elephant replied on Tue, Jan 17 2017 11:12 PM

To my understanding :

Toslink is an optical digital link.

SPDIF is an electrical (coaxial) digital link.

The little squared box convert the optical signal into an electrical signal.

Thanks ... this where Wikipedia confuses me ...

S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format) is a type of digital audio interconnect used in consumer audio equipment to output audio over reasonably short distances. The signal is transmitted over either a coaxial cable with RCA connectors or a fibre optic cable with TOSLINK connectors.

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Thanks ... this where Wikipedia confuses me ...

S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format) is a type of digital audio interconnect used in consumer audio equipment to output audio over reasonably short distances. The signal is transmitted over either a coaxial cable with RCA connectors or a fibre optic cable with TOSLINK connectors.

No confusion there.

Basicly the same, but along two different types of cables.

You can easily convert from one cable to another.

Chromecast -> optical cable -> converter -> coax cable -> BL5.


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Not sure I use the right technical words, so correct me please (I know absolutely nothing of B&O link means...)

--> Is there a solution to digitaly integrate a pair of BL5 (i.e. not with Powerlink cables but SPDIF or Toslink) and without having to plug them to a Beosound ?

For example : I'd like to start a song on a modern Beolink product (BS 1, 2, 35, etc.) and I want the BL5 to join so I can "send" the song from the BSx to them.

If you decide for using google cast, all you need is the Chromecast connected to the BL5's and one or more of the B&O devices with support for casting.

You will have to set these up using the Google Home app. 

There you can group the receivers.

See my howto in one of the other threads about this.

Afterwards you can adress (send/stream sound to) these individually or as one or more groups.

You can only do this from cast enabled apps like Spotify, TuneIn etc....

P.S. you won't be able to 'join-in' like with the B&O NL-multiroom setup.


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CB replied on Wed, Jan 18 2017 6:36 AM

You will have to set these up using the Google Home app. 

There you can group the receivers.

See my howto in one of the other threads about this.

Afterwards you can adress (send/stream sound to) these individually or as one or more groups.

You can only do this from cast enabled apps like Spotify, TuneIn etc....

P.S. you won't be able to 'join-in' like with the B&O NL-multiroom setup.

Thank you MM, that's how I'm using it now.

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elephant replied on Sat, Jan 21 2017 2:51 AM

(Short) optical cable (2 different plugs)

Thank you CB for this thread

It inspired me to check if my BL20s had an optical in .... they do

And whether my new Macbook Pro supported optical out ... it did

So I dug out an old SPDIF / TOUSLING cable ... it has the box connection as above, but also an adapter to also look like the other end

So I plugged together my test ...

WOW WOW WOW Whooooooooooo..............


Some learnings ...

- you can't daisy chain optical in the 1st BL20 to the 2nd BL20 via power link

- the poor link in to the 1st speaker does not appear to control the BL20 volume which as I understand (via another thread) is how the BL5s work

Here is a photo of the test ... now I am off to buy another box ended optical cable so I can waist chain

Then it will be WOW+WOW WOW+WOW WOW+WOW Big Smile

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elephant replied on Sat, Jan 21 2017 4:33 AM

Big Smile

I was so happy I decide to do a Michael photo from my loud speaker listening chair ...

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CB replied on Sat, Jan 21 2017 9:25 AM

You're welcome Ed Smile

And thank kimchr as Peter Pan too (Peter posted a picture with all of these last year)

View this post for the BL20s at

And here for the BL5s

Enjoy HD music now !

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davelarue replied on Wed, Feb 15 2017 8:43 PM

And you will need the sync cable between the BL5's and a remote to switch them on and off and control the volume.


Question: This synch cable between the BL5s, is that a regular powerlink cable or something else?


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CB replied on Wed, Feb 15 2017 10:07 PM

Question: This synch cable between the BL5s, is that a regular powerlink cable or something else?

Have a look there -->

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davelarue replied on Thu, Feb 16 2017 12:08 PM


Question: This synch cable between the BL5s, is that a regular powerlink cable or something else?

Have a look there -->

This thread didn't make me any wiser. They are suggesting to use analogue cables between the speakers? 

Great if someone could point me to the correct cable to use between the speakers so 'everything' is digital.


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CB replied on Thu, Feb 16 2017 12:34 PM

This thread didn't make me any wiser.

This thread may allow you to understand what this sync cable is for. This cable is only there to help the orders sent by the remote to be reached by both your BL5s.

NB: the very first BL5s do not have the sync function if I remember well...

Great if someone could point me to the correct cable to use between the speakers so 'everything' is digital.

Steve can supply you this cable -->

In order to have a full digital connexion between (what ?) and your BL5s, you need :

  1. a S/PDIF (75 Ohms) coaxial cable from your device to the first BL5.
  2. a S/PDIF (75 Ohms) coaxial cable between the BL5s
  3. a sync cable between the BL5s (it works without this cable, but it's more comfortable to have one)
  4. a B&O remote able to change the mode of your BL5s (to be done once only), to start/stop them and to control the volume.
  5. a pair of BL5s Wink

Hope this helps


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davelarue replied on Thu, Feb 16 2017 3:35 PM


This thread didn't make me any wiser.

This thread may allow you to understand what this sync cable is for. This cable is only there to help the orders sent by the remote to be reached by both your BL5s.

NB: the very first BL5s do not have the sync function if I remember well...

Great if someone could point me to the correct cable to use between the speakers so 'everything' is digital.

Steve can supply you this cable -->

In order to have a full digital connexion between (what ?) and your BL5s, you need :

  1. a S/PDIF (75 Ohms) coaxial cable from your device to the first BL5.
  2. a S/PDIF (75 Ohms) coaxial cable between the BL5s
  3. a sync cable between the BL5s (it works without this cable, but it's more comfortable to have one)
  4. a B&O remote able to change the mode of your BL5s (do be done once only), to start/stop them and to control the volume.
  5. a pair of BL5s Wink

Hope this helps



Thanks for the detailed explanation. :-) I have a chromecast audio device with a 'toslink to coax converter', a beo4 remote, and two BL5 mk3. I found this setup is the best compromise between sound quality, setup-simplicity, and reliability. Agree?

Great! I will purchase 2 and 3 from soundsheavenly. 


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CB replied on Thu, Feb 16 2017 7:17 PM


Hi David

of course I agree, I have the same setup (with a wheely, not a Beo4) Yes - thumbs up Beer

And using a Chromecast Audio also allows you to create groups with Google Cast enabled Beosounds (like BS1/2, BS35)


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