ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
General shout out to Dillen for supplying belts for my Beogram 5005 and Beocord 5500 - both fixed up a treat in about an hour. Full instructions provided (a double-up of instructions for Beocenter 9500 and Beocord 6500 but in the end it worked out sweet!).
The Beocord 5500 is such an easy deck to work on compared to the 3500 which I've fixed up before. Sooooo much more simple.
During the repair I noticed the disc clamp for the slider belt was loose - the nut which holds it in place had unscrewed a bit. This was causing a 'scraping' sound each time I used the deck drawer. Tightened that up and the drawer's nice and smooth again.
Tapes play properly now and wind speeds have improved by several seconds.
The Beogram sounds 'lighter' and some classical pieces with sustained notes really do shine now.
Very happy so a big thanks to Dillen!
It has to be said that Beoworld would be a much poorer place without Martin. He has so much knowledge and is always happy to help. He is also a really great guy and I am proud to call him a friend.
Agreed !
Dillen helped me rescue a Beocord 5000 many years ago
BeoNut since '75
I'm new here, although I don't know Dillen, I agree with all of you.
Thanks guys.
B&O, collecting, restoring and repairing has been a hobby for me for more than 35 years.Having such a lovely bunch of Beoworlders to share it with, is just wonderful !
Hi Martin,
While we're on the subject of Beocord 5500's, I have a question: Mine plays back fine, when hooked to a conventional amp. You see the previous owner cut the DIN plug off and wired 2 RCA's to the green and blue leads. I would like to re-install a 7 pin DIN, of which I have one, a solder on type. The pins are numbered (and I can't read them very well) in an odd fashion. I could probably solder them on, carefully, if I had a diagram of some sort. I'm assuming the woven copper surrounding the wire is a ground.
Thanks in advance for your help,
I've to say that Martin was the second person on BW I've got the pleasure to deal with you, I'm very thankful for our you help since and to come
You're real gentleman and tru gem of this forum
Dillen: Thanks guys. B&O, collecting, restoring and repairing has been a hobby for me for more than 35 years.Having such a lovely bunch of Beoworlders to share it with, is just wonderful ! Martin
Don't worry - be Happy
Thanks for that, Beobuddy, now I just need a schematic to tell which wires are what color...
3 Left, 5 right, 2 shield inner wire, 6,7 data, shield outer cable ground on shell, but B&O changed the colors a couple of times, check your schematic for data wires, normally shorted in the jack and use the pin 2 as ground, left and right you can check connected
Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.
Hello Martin,
I own a Bang and Olufsen Beocord 9000 audio cassette deck which does not play, fast forward, rewind tape.
This Beocord 9000 which I bought in 1985 is in excellent condition. Was fully functional but not used for past 6-7 years or so. Wanted to use it again recently but although it powered up OK, display lights, indicators such as tape type, calibration light, levels, etc. worked properly, when pressing "play" it starts but then stops with few centimeters of tape out of the cassette case. Does not FF nor Rewind. I suspect belts are the problem and would need replacement, what do you think? Am not much of a tech person but just love that machine and have extensive collection of tapes I still would like to continue to enjoy. I could not find anyone in the US who would not ask for my first born as payment... I guess I would have to try and do it myself. Are belts available, what would they cost and would you be kind to supply them? I would appreciate your assistance. Best.
There may be other things in need of attention but fresh belts would be the place to start.You have a PM.
Tks for your quick answer. Forgive my ignorance: what do you mean by PM? Can you supply the belts and if so, wd you accept payements via PayPal?
Yes and yes.PM = Personal Message. Check your messages in the top right corner of this webpage!
Hi Dillen, I have a Beocord 4004 that needs a belt I think. It is slipping badly and will not rewind tapes any more. Can you help?
Regards Andrew
Yes thanks Martin for sharing your time and knowledge as well as supplying the odd part when we need it.
I think I need belts for my second Beocord 5000 4715... Will order soon! No PM needed!
If we can agree that this is a Beocord 8004 (rather than 4004, which doesn't exist), I can supply a set of belts andmounting instructions if needed.You have email.
Thanks, Jacques.
Peter: It has to be said that Beoworld would be a much poorer place without Martin. He has so much knowledge and is always happy to help. He is also a really great guy and I am proud to call him a friend.
So, is Beoworld now a poorer place?
Martin has not posted for a month, and his avatar has gone.
Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.
I was only thinking that the other week Chris, It's very unusual for Moxxey not to post. I do hope that he's OK, maybe he's discovered the outdoor world or something nice!
And Peter has not posted since 3rd Nov, although a forum glitch incorrectly shows, if you click on his name, a last post of March 2012!
A lot of regulars have faded away this year. Does it tell us something about B&O ?
vikinger: And Peter has not posted since 3rd Nov, although a forum glitch incorrectly shows, if you click on his name, a last post of March 2012! A lot of regulars have faded away this year. Does it tell us something about B&O ?
Nothing about vintage B&O!
I have never read a single post about newer B&O stuff anyway
Chris Townsend:Add Moxxey to that list. Beovision 7-55 Mk2, Beovision 8-32, Avant RF 28, Beolab 8000, Beoplay A9, Beoplay 2, Beocom 2, Beotime, H6, Form 2.
4 beolab 5, beolab 9, beolab 10, beolab 5000, beolab 8000 mk2, beolab 6002, beolab 3500, beovision 7 55 mk2, 2 beovision 11 46 mk4, beotime, beosound ouverture, beosound essence, beoplay A8, beomaster 900 RG de luxe and the collection continues...
olvisab: RIP
Fairly sure Peter posted this weekend in fact!
I wouldn't look too far into it to be honest, people come and go on forums!
chartz:Seriously? Jacques
Ben: Fairly sure Peter posted this weekend in fact! I wouldn't look too far into it to be honest, people come and go on forums!
He did indeed!
Forum counters and post listings are haywire!
Yes he did!
Anyway, thank you Martin and Peter et al...
vikinger: So, is Beoworld now a poorer place? Martin has not posted for a month, and his avatar has gone. Graham
Definitely, yes, it is poorer place without Martin, specially for us, vintage B&O fans!
2 weeks ago I noticed and wrote in other thread that the Martin is unusual "quiet" and I never saw him not posting so long. I don't know if it has something with his last discussion with Leslie (that was last post by martin) but I hope not.
Of course most of us here are very different personalities, coming from different countries, traditions and cultures but sharing one common thing: B&O-virus! In my opinion Beoworld is a great place to share this interests and discuss lot of issues and questions. As on every other forum, that means of course that there are other opinions and we cannot always agree.
Martin helped me and other members lot of times with his hints, advices and spare parts and he gave us plenty of times invaluable information about all that old and rare B&O devices.
I appreciate everything he done for me and for this forum and I hope he will be back soon. And if not, I am sure he has his reasons...
Same applies of course to Peter too but as somebody said, I think I saw him posting last week and I hope he is still with us...
Vintage Bang & Olufsen
Martin is too much of a gentleman to escalate arguments. He's been prodded and poked by a certain member one time too often it seems, and he appears to have taken a break from the site. I do hope it's not permanent...
I hope Martin sticks around, he's an absolute asset to the vintage B&O community. He's helped me out on numerous occasions.
9 LEE: Martin is too much of a gentleman to escalate arguments. He's been prodded and poked by a certain member one time too often it seems, and he appears to have taken a break from the site. I do hope it's not permanent... Lee
Brengen & Ophalen
I think Leslie has got it right... he's probably just having a break... fingers crossed.
Hej Martin,
Jeg er ny i forum, og denne måde at kontakte dig på var den eneste jeg umiddelbart kunne finde.
Jeg kan se, at du er den absolutte kapacitet på B&O, og derfor dette spørgsmål: Jeg er i gang med at reparere på et Beocenter 1600 hvis venstre kanals udgangstrin har været udsat for overophedning. Det eneste man hører fra den er brum. Højre kanal fungerer. Alle svedne komponenter er nu udskiftet men udgangstransistorerne eller IC´erne, jeg er ikke helt klar over hvad det er for nogle, kan jeg ikke finde nogensteder. De er påtrykt et "M" det ligner Motorola, og betegnelsen TE1088 og TE1089. De har været skiftet før sikkert grundet det potmeter (kaput) der regulerer arbejdspunktet. Jeg har kontakt med en amerikaner der beder om et JEDEC nummer. Men hvis du har adgang til komponenterne, er det jo lettest at købe dem i DK.
Hi all
I just purchased (today!) a Beogram 4002 5513. For the $150 I paid I think it's in great shape but I would love to:
1) replace the drive belt
2) know what things to look out for. Should I run through a standard lubrication/upkeep?
3) the tonearm is set to 1gram, which is correct for the MMC4000, but I've read a few places on this site saying it may need to be a bit higher
4) I am getting some distortion; it's not 100% but it's annoying - seems at the high end. It played fine when I demoed it today, and during the day at home. I have noticed the platter isn't 100% level with the back of the metal base, so I have a feeling I may need to level it
5) eventually I would like to fully refurb and clean this thing up. I'm posting in this forum as I read I should reach out to Dillen for ordering everything I need. May I ask if anyone can help me get in touch?
Hi Dillen,
I am looking for tape belts for a beocenter 9300 - do you still do this. Can't find PM on the site - probably just need to hunt around some more
Any chance ?
Welcome to Beoworld!
Yes, I can still supply belts and many other parts.
PMs are called conversations here.Click on my name out to the left, and send me an email or start a conversation.
Hello ,
i am quite new in this forum , I am repairing a beomaster 1900 replacing already capacitor , I found a problem on the left amplifier . Changing all the transistor and diode .
I was searching now suppliers for the lamps , the potentiometer in the output amplifier and the
transistor MPS h54 ( apart from the eBay site at # 1 € each )
could you help me ?
thank you
best regards
go here and send him a message or a mail
Hi Dillen, can you supply drive belts for Beocenter 2200 tapedeck and instructions for fitting