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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beomaster 2000

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This post has 6 Replies | 1 Follower

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ojb Posted: Thu, Sep 13 2012 7:42 PM

Hello all!

I'm a total newbie to the Beoworld - have loved the classic design of B & O for years and finally took the plunge and bought a Beomaster 2000 (80's version), Beogram 2000 and Beovox RL35 speakers.  I'm hoping the knowledgeable people on this forum might be able to point me in the right direction.

I've just hooked the Beogram, Beomaster and speakers together (new speaker cables and new DIN plugs).  The Beomaster lights up, the touch buttons, dial and sliders all seem to work fine.  The Beogram cues up and plays fine, the 'Beolink' connection between the two seems to work fine... ... ... but ... ... ... I can't get any sound!

I've tried both pairs of speaker connections, and still no joy.

I've plugged an mp3 player into the TP2 sockets, and still no joy.

I've tried listening to both the Beogram and mp3 player through headphones and still no joy.  By rotating the jack I get some static, but that's it!

While I'm not expecting miracles, does anyone know if this is a common problem with the 80's Beomaster 2000?  Will it be difficult / expensive to fix?  Have I made an idiotic newbie mistake somewhere down the line?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks for reading,



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elephant replied on Thu, Sep 13 2012 7:57 PM

Firstly welcome to BeoWorld and secondly I certainly hope one of the electronics wizards can help you ... since you tested the headphone jack it sounds like probably the problem is in a common pre-amp area ... but just a thought, did you try listening to the AM and/or FM radio functions on the speakers and the headphone ?

And of course the obvious ... toggle the mute switch several times while you are trying to listen !

BeoNut since '75

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ojb replied on Thu, Sep 13 2012 8:06 PM

Thanks for the swift reply, elephant!

I've just tried toggling the mute switch but no joy - thanks for the tip though (it wasn't obvious to me! Wink)

I haven't got any aerials for the Beomaster, so can't verify whether it works with the radio - the lights all work though, including two mysterious green lights over the standby button...

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elephant replied on Thu, Sep 13 2012 9:02 PM


Thanks for the swift reply, elephant!

I've just tried toggling the mute switch but no joy - thanks for the tip though (it wasn't obvious to me! Wink)

I haven't got any aerials for the Beomaster, so can't verify whether it works with the radio - the lights all work though, including two mysterious green lights over the standby button...

I would try the radio functions even without aerials - you should at least be able to hear *snap* *crackle* and *pop* !

Also, the MP3 player's jacks should be plugged into (looking at them face on) the left hand (top & bottom) phono plugs.

The two mysterious green lights are the FM station tuning indicator - when you have two equally balanced green lights you should be locked on to the correct frequency for that particular station.

Note sure if this link might help you ...



BeoNut since '75

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Also this might help


BeoNut since '75

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ojb replied on Thu, Sep 13 2012 9:53 PM

Thanks, I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out with this.

I've tried the five radio presets through speakers and headphone and toggled the mute on and off throughout, but still no sound Sad not even snap crackle and pop!

I've even tried leaving the system on playing the same record just on the remote chance that the system warming up will change anything. 

Thanks also for the Audiokarma link!



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elephant replied on Thu, Sep 13 2012 10:07 PM

and headphone

some times the headphone microswitch that mutes the speakers can get stuck leaving the speakers in permanent mute state.

but you have tried wriggling the headphone jack .... so I don't think it's that.

unless you have two problems that are compounding / confounding the diagnosis .........................

BeoNut since '75

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