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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Your latest addi(c)tion?

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Søren Mexico
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And he still has the virus!!!

How are the M70s now that you've had them a bit?

The M70s are amazing speakers, even the FS agree but is complaining about my playing too loud and too much, In the weekend I cleaned some of my best single records (7") and was disc jockey for some hours, just amazing to hear sounds I never heard before on these. They run from my BM 4400 and TX2 with MMC2 from Axel, I will now connect my pizza box BG 5000 to the BM 4400 with the MMC2 just to compare the two decks.

The BG 1000 has history, I bought one new together with a BM 1000 back in 1969, had them for a couple of years, sold them to buy a car. Found last year both in DK, but my son kept the BG 1000 in DK, So I was sitting here with the BM 1000, I just had to buy the BG 1000 again. It will be shipped to McAllen, and then I have a box and packing material for the BG 3000 for you Rich.

Yes the virus is acting up again, I have the drive back to start repairing from the waiting list.


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Ricardo replied on Sat, Feb 21 2015 1:08 PM

Søren Mexico:


And he still has the virus!!!

How are the M70s now that you've had them a bit?

The M70s are amazing speakers, even the FS agree but is complaining about my playing too loud and too much, In the weekend I cleaned some of my best single records (7") and was disc jockey for some hours, just amazing to hear sounds I never heard before on these. They run from my BM 4400 and TX2 with MMC2 from Axel, I will now connect my pizza box BG 5000 to the BM 4400 with the MMC2 just to compare the two decks.

The BG 1000 has history, I bought one new together with a BM 1000 back in 1969, had them for a couple of years, sold them to buy a car. Found last year both in DK, but my son kept the BG 1000 in DK, So I was sitting here with the BM 1000, I just had to buy the BG 1000 again. It will be shipped to McAllen, and then I have a box and packing material for the BG 3000 for you Rich.

Yes the virus is acting up again, I have the drive back to start repairing from the waiting list.




I was watching that one for a bit but decided to pass. I am glad it is going to one of us !!!. Congrats and good luck Soren.

Søren Mexico
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That virus just dont go away, now somehow I got this one (bid low and got it), do I need it? well maybe for a give away to a person that deserves it.

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Rich replied on Mon, Feb 23 2015 9:06 PM

I love my 1900!  But right now it's one of the many idle receivers sitting around the house.  Maybe some day I'll take it into the office with the P30s.

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Ben_S replied on Tue, Feb 24 2015 10:23 AM

Very nice Soren! Is it all working ok? 

I too have picked up a very early Beogram 1000 with an SP6/7 attached. Looks pretty good but may need some work. Pictures will follow!


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chartz replied on Tue, Feb 24 2015 11:14 AM

Since I repaired one not long ago, I still have fresh memories on how to deal with the motor. Mine is the round Papst version with the governor. It wasn't quite stuck, but it took about 10 minutes for it to reach nominal speed.

Looking forward to beholding yours.


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..... and the fever rages on ...


Picked this one up on the cheap. No cartridge and listed with issues.

Turns out probably nothing more than a broken servo belt. In pretty good shape overall. Like most of these older decks I wish I could replace the dust cover.



Søren Mexico
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Congrats Richard, if I remember right, Frede (classic) has new covers for BG 400X. It never stops, I will have to give something away this year, The problems is finding someone that appreciate and takes care of it.

Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.

Søren Mexico
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Yes I was right,

Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.

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Rich replied on Wed, Feb 25 2015 2:32 AM

Søren Mexico:

I will have to give something away this year,

You have to stop this talk about giving something away until you have a killer stereo in your garage.

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MrRoast replied on Sat, Feb 28 2015 4:33 PM

Hello all meet my latest addition - a BG4000 with MMC20EN! 

Always wanted one and this popped up. One owner from new (who has departed this mortal coil!) and it was accompanied with a BC5000 (type 4705), both in fantastic cosmetic condition.

Collected it this morning and it was explained that although it was listed it as 'spairs or repairs' it does actually work! Big Smile

I couldn't resist the urge to plug it in straight away when i got home

It's now sat on the shelf waiting for a jolly good strip down, clean and lubrication!



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chartz replied on Sat, Feb 28 2015 4:51 PM

Welcome to the Club!


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MrRoast replied on Sat, Feb 28 2015 5:09 PM


Welcome to the Club!

Thanks chartz! I've been going through the various BG4000 threads in anticipation and have read many of your posts. I'm not massively confident on the electronics side (the polar opposite of someone like Menahem I'd say!) so glad the deck seems to do what it should when you push the on button - I'm aware of the complexity under the bonnet!

I've already had a word with Dillen/Martin about replacement belts but he's all out of the platter belts at the moment.

I'm just going to have to be patient until I can get it hooked up to my Beolab/Master 5000 for a listen!

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chartz replied on Sat, Feb 28 2015 5:30 PM


I'm just going to have to be patient until I can get it hooked up to my Beolab/Master 5000 for a listen!

And you won't be disappointed, take my word for it!

BUT I do use a Soundsmith cartridge to brighten things up a bit!


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valve1 replied on Sat, Feb 28 2015 5:33 PM


Hello all meet my latest addition - a BG4000 with MMC20EN! 


Well done !


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Ricardo replied on Sun, Mar 1 2015 7:33 PM

I was right it was nothing more than a broken servo belt. Belt replaced so I decided to to kristin it with Gin Tonic . Jazzy Retro Santnas sounds pretty good.


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Ben_S replied on Mon, Mar 16 2015 6:35 PM

Good work Ricardo Yes - thumbs up

Looks brilliant, and I am sure it sounds even better!


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Steffen replied on Mon, Mar 16 2015 10:32 PM

My uncle just visited me the other day - and he had the trunk of his car filled with some nice vintage B&O he wanted to give me Yes - thumbs up

So here it is: A Beomaster 700, Beomaster 1700, Beogram 1202, Beocord 1800 and Beocord 1200

However - as some of you might know, I already have quite a few B&O items - so I think I'm only gonna keep the BM1700 and the Beogram.
I have already found a buyer for the BM 700.

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Steffen replied on Mon, Mar 16 2015 11:06 PM

And then I just bought me a Beovision 6 - 22. It was so cheap that I just couldn't say no... Smile
It costed only 1000 DKKr (roughly £ 110 or  € 145 ) -with motorized stand.

Not that i needed another TV - but... You know - this Beovirus...Wink   Well - I can use it in my kitchen...

But - as I have read here on Beoworld - the picture is not the best on this model, as it is one of the early Samsung LCD panels.
I must agree. So - now I think I'll go looking for a Beocenter 6 - 23. Hmm 

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beaker replied on Wed, Mar 25 2015 11:25 AM
I recently got this mystery item. 10 points if you can guess what's inside the cloth cover.

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Beomaster 900 radio?

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I recently got this mystery item. 10 points if you can guess what's inside the cloth cover.



It is so obvious  Big Smile


It's shape can not be mixed up with other B&O's Wink

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beaker replied on Wed, Mar 25 2015 6:31 PM
Yes it is a Beo / Beo610 / TR26. I'm not sure what the correct name actually is, I think it depends on location. I've got a user manual which calls it a TR26 and brochures that call it the other names. Anyway, I'd never seen a cloth cover with a B&o radio so had to have it.
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Dillen replied on Wed, Mar 25 2015 10:51 PM

The cotton "night dress" was an optional extra to cover things when not in use.
It was also made with printing for speaker cabinets etc.

The lengendary Anthony Garza in TX, USA made a few T-shirts :


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Yes it is a Beo / Beo610 / TR26. I'm not sure what the correct name actually is, I think it depends on location. I've got a user manual which calls it a TR26 and brochures that call it the other names. Anyway, I'd never seen a cloth cover with a B&o radio so had to have it.

OK, I have to commit: I've cheated Smile

I got my second Beo610 last year also with this nice cloth. Actually it was the only reason I bought it ...

Could you maybe scan this brochures or user manual saying TR26 and show us here, please?

Many thanks in advance!


The cotton "night dress" was an optional extra to cover things when not in use.
It was also made with printing for speaker cabinets etc.

The lengendary Anthony Garza in TX, USA made a few T-shirts :


I sow once this other version of the cloth cover for "Hojttalerkabinet". I think it was a pair of Type L Speakers in Lauritz.

But how is this legendary Anthony Garza? Is it this guy?

What does he have common with B&O?

I presume you could have a nice interesting story for us, Martin...

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beaker replied on Thu, Mar 26 2015 8:47 PM
My scanner is being a pain but here's a couple of pictures of a brochure and the user manual.

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Dillen replied on Thu, Mar 26 2015 9:34 PM

Anthony Garza is (or was?) an incredibly skilled electronics guy with a particular weak spot for B&O.
Based in Texas, USA and running the Beomuse website he was THE go to guy for owners of more exotic things like the older B&O.
He takes the credit for the thoughts and (often complicated) diagnostics behind many of the repair solutions we take more or
less for granted today, like the C2103 laser supply filter cap issues, the CDX rivet vias etc.
He made a casting mold for the Beovox Redline ABR rubber parts and I believe he was the first to rebuild MMC cartridges.

I exchanged experience, knowledge, serviceinfo and parts with Anthony on an almost daily basis for a couple of years, but
then he suddenly disappeared from the scene, leaving behind only a couple of cryptical messages.
I don't know if he is still around. Hopefully he is fine and hopefully we will see him back some day.


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vikinger replied on Thu, Mar 26 2015 10:00 PM

Comment found on the audiokarma website archive:

"The gentleman in Texas selling them was Anthony Garza, of the sadly-defunct BeoMuse repair shop in Lubbock. He shut down his website years ago, and my attempts to email him haven't been responded to. However, there is still a gentleman in Denmark named Martin, who makes metal reproductions, and also sells capacitor kits for Beogram 8000/8002s. He can be found on the BeoWorld forum ( under the user name "Dillen". Shipping may be a tad expensive, but his parts are highly regarded."


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My scanner is being a pain but here's a couple of pictures of a brochure and the user manual.

O what a nice manuals! I never saw them. Really rare items.

Now I am jealous Stick out tongue

Thanks for pics!



Anthony Garza is (or was?) an incredibly skilled electronics guy with a particular weak spot for B&O.
Based in Texas, USA and running the Beomuse website he was THE go to guy for owners of more exotic things like the older B&O.
He takes the credit for the thoughts and (often complicated) diagnostics behind many of the repair solutions we take more or
less for granted today, like the C2103 laser supply filter cap issues, the CDX rivet vias etc.
He made a casting mold for the Beovox Redline ABR rubber parts and I believe he was the first to rebuild MMC cartridges.

I exchanged experience, knowledge, serviceinfo and parts with Anthony on an almost daily basis for a couple of years, but
then he suddenly disappeared from the scene, leaving behind only a couple of cryptical messages.
I don't know if he is still around. Hopefully he is fine and hopefully we will see him back some day.


O, I see....

Interesting story. Was he aslo the Beoworld member?

I hope too, he is still around.


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Ben_S replied on Fri, Mar 27 2015 9:44 AM

Beaker, where on earth do you find these rare things? 

Looks lovely though! Does it work? Even better to find it with the manuals and catalogues as well!


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Dave replied on Fri, Mar 27 2015 4:25 PM

Just picked up a BeoCentre 4000 (twin tape version) off the bay for £15.00 GBP.

 I thought it was too good to be true at that price, but I could use it for spares if it was a no goer.

Imagine my surprise when I arrived to pick it up from near where I live and I saw it was almost mint and fully working, got it hooked up to a pair of C75's that I got for £30.00 off the bay.

Using it in the bedroom, sounds and looks great for a 45 quid system

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beaker replied on Fri, Mar 27 2015 4:49 PM

Beaker, where on earth do you find these rare things?

Looks lovely though! Does it work? Even better to find it with the manuals and catalogues as well!


It does work even though I'm sure it hadn't been used for many, many years. It was filthy when I got it too.

The owners manual actually belongs to my other TR26 Beo which I got off eBay a couple of years ago or so. The brochure was one of those lucky ones where I bought a Bm900 cheaply from a terrible eBay description and when I collected it it was from the elderly original owner, was pristine and it had all the paperwork and the brochure. I handed him the money and left very quickly!
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Dillen replied on Fri, Mar 27 2015 5:00 PM



Anthony Garza ...

O, I see....

Interesting story. Was he aslo the Beoworld member?

No, it was long before Beoworld really took off.
Well, I suppose he could be a silent member, I can't say.


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Wouter replied on Thu, Apr 2 2015 11:28 PM

I found this beautiful beogram 1800 last week. I cannot think of a better looking turntable. I love the combination with the "updated" beomaster 900.

After some oiling the shade of the wood will be the same I think. Unfortunately the plexiglass of the lid is quite scratched, is there any way I could replace this? Furthermore, the SP element that came with (not the one in the picture) it is completely blanc and there is no colour code on it as well...


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Ben_S replied on Thu, Apr 2 2015 11:34 PM

It looks as if you are using it with an SP 6/7? I believe the proper cartridge was the SP10.

I have one of these as well, they aren't very common but I absolutely love mine. Sounds brilliant with a Beolab 5000 system too. I take it you have the RIAA in the 900 or you have been extra lucky and have the pre-amp in the turntable?


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Wouter replied on Thu, Apr 2 2015 11:43 PM


It looks as if you are using it with an SP 6/7? I believe the proper cartridge was the SP10.

I have one of these as well, they aren't very common but I absolutely love mine. Sounds brilliant with a Beolab 5000 system too. I take it you have the RIAA in the 900 or you have been extra lucky and have the pre-amp in the turntable?


I almost forgot about that! I don`t know whether or not I have a preamp in the 900, but unfortunately the bg 1800 came without the preamp. Is there any chance of ever finding one? Were they used in other models as well? 

I got the service manual (:



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Ben_S replied on Fri, Apr 3 2015 12:01 AM

I believe it is the GF4 unit that was used in a few other models such as the Beogram 3000.

They aren't common to find on their own (I don't have one for mine sadly!). There was one on fairly recently though so they do exist.


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Hi Wouter, Im new on the forum but i noticed your photo illustrating a "blueprint" in great detail of the gf3 or gf4 preamp.

I would like to obtain such a document, is it in the workshop manual, or is some separate sheet?

Please if you have a little more detail as to this document featured in your photo so as I may search for another original.

I have a Beogram 3000 without the preamp; and would like to build this board.

your system is very nice, looks very retro but I bet the sound is great.

all the best


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Wouter replied on Sun, Apr 12 2015 8:11 PM


Hi Wouter, Im new on the forum but i noticed your photo illustrating a "blueprint" in great detail of the gf3 or gf4 preamp.

I would like to obtain such a document, is it in the workshop manual, or is some separate sheet?

Please if you have a little more detail as to this document featured in your photo so as I may search for another original.

I have a Beogram 3000 without the preamp; and would like to build this board.

your system is very nice, looks very retro but I bet the sound is great.

all the best




Welcome to beoworld! It is the service manual, in most older products you can find it in a brown enveloppe on the inside. Have a look inside of yours. If it isn`t there I`m more than happy to scan it for you. How it sounds I don`t know yet since the din plug is missing, but that`s a nice job for next weekend.


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Hi Wouter

Thanks for the (two!) replies, and the welcome, much appreciated.

OK, so that is the diagram supplied in the envelope glued to the inside of the base of your excellent Beogram 1800? it includes that PCB diagram of the G4 preamp? Thats great.

My 3000 didn't have any diagram, just a little patch of brown paper where it had been removed… yet I now have two for the Beomaster 1000's I'm trying to renovate! I guess more people opened up the Beograms than the Beomasters….

I would be very grateful for full scale color scans of the front & back of the g4 board you have, including any components list & any other relevant info please.

If that is OK, my email address is

Its interesting to see the continuity of design between your Beomaster 900 and the Beomaster 1000, i can see similarities in the controls and the tuning meter even seems to be the same component.

Thank you so much for your help.

Best regards



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