ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I have searched the forum and google - perhaps Im too tired to find my way..
I use a MAC so I cant use beoplayer since it is an windows program..
Im pretty sick n tired of seeing the grey b&o logo.. Soon I will exchange that picture to a pig or something..
So how do I do? :)
search for "tag" in App Store
still the Windows app "mp3tag" is the best (my opinion)
There where some different programs in appstore that can convert mp3s. It looks like the files needs to be on the computer using the program.. I have the music on my bs5. I must be a way to put coverart directly into the bs5..
Hope this helps you Rikard...
The issue arises around the fact that itunes stores album art in a different directory to the way that the BS5 needs it (windows).
For art to appear on the BS5 there needs to be a jpg in each directory. This jpg is named folder.jpg
I downloaded a program from the net which was free that did a search based on my music directory and automatically imported the picture jpg and named it correctly. I will have a search tonight to see if there are any mac equivalents.
I did receive a brochure from my local B&O store and they advise in that how to add cover or album art to your music for BS5. Is your music stored on a BM5? or in another location?
Paul - The Beoplayer is a windos based program, there is no version for a mac.. Michael - Yes I have all music stored on the BS5.
Well, Sonos users have the same problem..
The easiest way is to install a script in iTunes. This script will pull the artwork that is “hidden” in iTunes, and embed it in the track.
And go to “Embed Artwork v2.0
Run the script, delete your BM5 library, and re-import your iTunes library.
Another way is to run the script “Save Album Art to Album Folder v4.3”. This script will pull the artwork as “folder.jpg” in the Album folder. With this script you don’t need to delete your BM5 library, but you have to manually drop each folder.jpg file from your iTunes library to your BM5 library. It’s sort of way Michael suggested, but easier.
The first script I suggested seems easier.
Best video’s I found to install the scripts so far are:
Simply name the cover image file "folder.jpg" (best result with a 500x500px image) and put it in the album folder.
I'm on a Mac and besides iTunes I use XLD and Media Rage to add album art and tidy up tags.
I tried to place album covers with changed names to front.jpg, this did not work out - the covers does not show.
I will try the media rage, otherwise I will have to copy all the collection of 750 albums to another disc/computer, making the changes there, then copying it all back to the BS5 again..
Maybe it is easier to disasemble the BS5 taking the HDD out and making it as an external drive, making the changes there.. But in that case the machine will probably breakdown..
F**k what a time consuming piece of equipment the BS5 is.. It needs alot of work and the B&O guys needs to tell to their customers how to do things the B&O way, since the "normal" way of copying does not work out..
Rikard:I tried to place album covers with changed names to front.jpg, this did not work out - the covers does not show.
Inside each album's folder, the image of the art work needs to be called "folder.jpg" .... maybe "front.jpg" was a typo ?
BeoNut since '75
Only adding jpg. files in the media folder will not work and no need to take your MB5 apart
Use Media Rage's "Add Artwork and Folder Icons" and work directly in the "BMShares" folder. It's a bit slow but it works and you will have beautiful cover art on your BM5
Start with one album to make sure that it works. A good practice is to "Restart music server" from the "Preference" menu when you have made changes.
I renamed the files to folder.jpg. Now it works! Thx! I will try the Media rage and if it does not work I will go through the folders manually. Anyhow - Im on the right way! THX my fellow beoworlders! :)
why so difficult?
You need Beoconnect
I'm expecting that you're using iTunes
just drop the music files directly from itunes to the dock icon (beoconnect) - finished
sometimes the *.jpeg files are copied to BM5 - you can delete them - cover art is embedded to the *.mp3 file and will be shown without any *.jpg
regards elmar
I did just that, in itunes all albums had albumcovers. Then I used Beoconnect to send them to my BS5. Problem was that 80% of the albums where missing when the got to the BS5.. Now when Im looking in the folders there are not many folders with album art.. So it needs manual work..
ok - sorry - I did not have any problems doing it like that;
Regards Elmar
double post
The program took information about albums from, they did not have the albums I tested so the solution for me is to manually insert the album covers. The easiest/fastest way is to use a searchengine. I tested some sites that were all about albumcovers (no swedish artists) and those sites were really slow so for me google it was faster. It takes alot of time but since it is one of the key features of the BS5 I don´t think I have any option.. On the other hand - it looks good!
Try one of Doug's scripts, for example:
scan the covers. (They come out beautifully on the BM5)
I will definently try the script, I have learned a way to see if and where coveras are needed in the mp3 files. I can write something about this so others dont need to the same research :)