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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


How do i connect iMac to Avant

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This post has 4 Replies | 1 Follower

Top 500 Contributor
Newtown NSW Australia
Posts 210
paddy2042 Posted: Sat, Oct 20 2012 5:52 AM

I have old 28" VCR Avant and want to use its inbuilt speakers together with connected BL4000's  to play my iMac through. I have tried connecting from Headphones output but cannot work out how to do the rest I cannot get any sound. I would like to connect through the second scary to 6RCA plugs. Do I need to add extras to the menu on Beo4.


I am so confused and would love some advice.


Thank You

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HVD replied on Fri, Dec 14 2012 10:38 PM

I surgest that you either use the yellow phono connection for audio on the to right back of the AVANT. Depending on BEO4 model you have, you need to select / program CAMCORD or CAMERA under the List function and activate that. 

You can also go througt a SCART connection with PHONO in put and then program the SCART to the right setting or select the rigt on the remote.

Hope it helps.

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Silver Member

i have conected my iphone and my mac air to my beovision 5 but I'm use airplay you need a airport express ,and airport extreme use the digital out of you stb socket rear the avant and connecting to the airport express in you beo 4 click two times tv for stb use and enjoy

Top 10 Contributor
Flensborg, Denmark
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" two times tv for stb use..."

Never heard of that - can you explain what that means?

Greetings Millemissen

There is a tv - and there is a BV

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Silver Member

check you beo 4 push tv  until you avant are in stb   but you can use any digital in   

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