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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

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What could be wrong with my Avant? 🤢

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Aussie Michael
Top 25 Contributor
Melbourne, AU
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Aussie Michael Posted: Sun, Nov 4 2018 3:04 AM
Hi BWorlders

I would like your help please.

There is something wrong with my Avant and I can’t seem to work out what it might be. Before I ring the service people I thought I may ask for your assistance.

I don’t think it has anything to do with my scenario testing of the beoapp this morning, but this morning i tried this:

- turned on the avant via the beoapp on my iPhone

- selected home media which i only set up yesterday lol (setting up a USB hard disk attached to my router and configuring it as a DLNA source in the beoapp)

- and it was playing some classical music which i never play and then the stand changed positions to the audio position when i started playing

- i tapped the BS1 in the adjacent kitchen and this god awful static noise came through the BS1 which i have never heard before when i was joining music sources. So i thought maybe it just doesn’t like home media to send from the router around the network and perhaps it’s better to have the USB disk attached to the avant if i wanted to join other devices. I left the USB disk in the router

- i changed the source to Foxtel and then tried the tap on the BS1 again and the sound was out of sync which it hasn’t been , so i grabbed the app and changed the wireless msec delay to 40 and it was fine.

- i went to turn the Avant off with the remote control and the Avant went in to the stand by (stand) position however the green light remained on the TV (thingy up the top right) so i thought that was odd however it may have been thinking it was still connected to the BS1 for some reason

- So with the green light on the TV , and in the stand by position, and the screen off, however the indicator light on, i long pressed the remote stand by button to turn off all devices on the network.

... went out, came back home

Put the Avant on Foxtel to the SyFy channel and after a little while the picture started changing all of a sudden. THought maybe it was a dream scene on the SyFy channel lol. Went and checked the other TV, not an issue with that scene.

This is what the picture looks like - what could cause this? Looks like it is something in the resolution ? Only the picture is weird. The sound is perfect and works in all sound modes, 2.1 , 3, 5.1 etc

Settings on the Avant are:

- HMDI 1 = XBox , i use this for 4K BR disks

- HDMI 2 = Apple TV, 1080p model

- HDMI 3 = Foxtel, 1080 model

Next test: I changed to the Apple TV and got the same image on the screen, now i think it’s the panel?

And i changed the resolutions of it and all of them were the same - i didn’t try and stream a movie

Checking the Avant menu and the screen is perfect , no flickering at all in any of the menus like the source list, setup etc

Next test: Put a BR and a 4K BR disc in to HDMI 1 (XBox), no issue

Plays beautifully - Red Sparrow, btw is excellent

Next test: Is it the Foxtel Box? Or is the HDMI cable?

- I changed the HDMI cable and put the Foxtel into the XBox HDMI port as that was the good one, same issue on the Foxtel channels

- I reused the ‘good’ HDMI cable from the Xbox to the Foxtel one, same issue with the Foxtel channels

- I got out my PC monitor and plugged the Foxtel box in to the PC Monitor, plays fine = no issue

- I removed the Foxtel box and plugged it into my Sony OLED, plays fine = no issue

Next test: Check the BV14 in the bedroom, to see if it is ok? = yes , which it should be.

So in conclusion:

- there is nothing wrong with the Foxtel Box from what i can tell, when i plug it in to the PC monitor or another TV there is no issue

- the BV panel seems ok because on HDMI 1 with the Xbox playing a BR and a 4K BR disc no issue with the picture or sound

- if i swap HDMI inputs on the Foxtel box , the bad picture quality still remains

- i tried a new HDMI port for the Foxtel and the bad picture quality still remains, and then i even tested that same port and HDMI cable in the PC monitor and it was good picture quality

My questions are:

- Has anyone come across this before?

- Is there a way to reset the BV Avant? I can’t seem to find a reset to factory settings anywhere

- How do i get in to the service menu to check?

- Could it be an issue with the HDMI ports? Are they fried? I dont think they are because i swapped the xbox and it worked fine in HDMI 3 as well as 1

- Could the settings in the app done something? I doubt if it would have

- By me long pressing on the BROne to turn everything off after turning the Avant on with the app done something? I doubt it would have

- Is it a little chip gone? Is it a resolution issue?

I have now turned the Avant off in the hope it will sort it self out for a couple of hours, then hopefully i will try a reset and or check something?

Being that I am in Melbourne Australia and we have no shops,i disabled the pin code so that it doesn’t stuff itself up. We do have service guys still, but before i go down that path, I thought i would ask for your help

Thanks in advance

- M

Aussie Michael
Top 25 Contributor
Melbourne, AU
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So the Avant has been off for 4 hours and in between that time, i took off the Foxtel IQ3 box and put on the Foxtel IQ2 (earlier model) from my other TV on to the Avant

Turned it all on and same problem exists.

Then I remember that you can plug a cable box in to the Xbox and let it pass through

So I have done that and changed it to 50Hz and it’s perfect. Sounds better too lol.

But my issue is still there, so please keep your comments coming after making a cup of tea or coffee cos that post is so long that you’ll need one haha


Aussie Michael
Top 25 Contributor
Melbourne, AU
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Hi again

Next update

I thought if the Xbox can run ok and that runs in 4K what happens if I change my 1080p Apple TV for the 4K version that is plugged in to my BV14

When I changed the ATV for the 4K ATV on the Avant, no issue (good).

So the issue is that the TV cannot show any device where the source is NOT 4K. So my cable box (Foxtel) even when I change it to 1080p, 1080i, 720p.

At least I’ve narrowed it down... still happy to hear your thoughts.
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beoaus replied on Sun, Nov 4 2018 7:42 AM
Hi Michael,

Is this the Android Avant?

If so I have a reset process in a thread about the Horizon that may assist.

It will involve disconnecting all external cables other than the speakers.

I can’t search for it now, being on the balcony in the sun with a red... sorry.

Aussie Michael
Top 25 Contributor
Melbourne, AU
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Hi beoaus.

It’s the non android one.

The android one you can reset easy 👍🏻

Thanks for your reply and enjoy your red. Perfect day for it.

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Flensborg, Denmark
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Uuuh - that’s a tricky one.

Don’t know if that will help, but it is the answer to one of your questions:

’If you need to reset your television to default settings, then bring up the REGIONAL SETTINGS menu and select another country.

You will be asked to confirm the reset. All settings will be deleted and you must go through first-time setup, follow the on- screen instructions’

as written in the user guide.

I don’t know if there is any other way to do this?

Beware - you will have to make all settings again, which can be quite a job.

So be sure to make notes/take pics of your settings before you go along.

P.S. I’d remove all connections before getting on with it.

P.P.S. This is something that I would only do, if the is no other ‘cure’ to the problem/s.


There is a tv - and there is a BV

Aussie Michael
Top 25 Contributor
Melbourne, AU
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Uuuh - that’s a tricky one.

Don’t know if that will help, but it is the answer to one of your questions:

’If you need to reset your television to default settings, then bring up the REGIONAL SETTINGS menu and select another country.

You will be asked to confirm the reset. All settings will be deleted and you must go through first-time setup, follow the on- screen instructions’

as written in the user guide.

I don’t know if there is any other way to do this?

Beware - you will have to make all settings again, which can be quite a job.

So be sure to make notes/take pics of your settings before you go along.

P.S. I’d remove all connections before getting on with it.

P.P.S. This is something that I would only do, if the is no other ‘cure’ to the problem/s.


There is a tv - and there is a BV.

Thanks appreciate your feedback.
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beoaus replied on Mon, Nov 5 2018 3:22 AM

Ok, the BeoSystem 4 version.

The Beovision Avant is based but not exactly the same as BSys4. This reset process is straight from the  Beosystem 4. You may be lucky.

Otherwise, In your version some changes relate to its 4K capability. Its likely you need a call to service to reset this properly including all its capable resolutions.

I believe also that there is a video test mode that can be invoked or a manual test procedure to help. Both maybe of assistance.

Good luck, Beoaus.

Aussie Michael
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Melbourne, AU
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Thanks, i have called them and now await their response


You mention "this reset process is straight from the Beosystem 4"... were you going to write what that process was (by your sentence) or was it more for my info?

Thanks again


Last night it fixed itself and i was watching Foxtel for a few hours and this morning again it stuffed up

I tried again this arvo with Hot Seat at 5 and at 5:40 it started to go. 

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KMA replied on Mon, Nov 5 2018 2:03 PM
The resolution dependent issue (4K is okay, 1080p/i and 720p are not) points to a fault in the upscaler software or chip.

Everything is scaled to the panel's native 4K resolution, and it looks like you are losing resolution and/or bit-depth (and bitmapping) in the upscale process.

As the issue is intermittent, my bet is on a failing chip / board. I hope a simple board replacement will fix things (unless the board is a part of the panel, in which case the panel needs to be swapped). These repairs are usually done at the customer's home.


B&O product history since 1991: Ridiculously long to list in a signature.

Aussie Michael
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Melbourne, AU
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Just to keep everyone updated. The gents in the service company over here have been excellent.

The issue is diagnosed as “solarisation”


It’s an expensive fix as a replacement video engine /board is required.
Rob - Danish AV
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ouch :(]

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beoaus replied on Wed, Nov 7 2018 11:35 PM

It is possible that re seating a connector or two may help. These connectors are inside the panel which on an Avant makes it harder. 

This is a link I have just found that may or may not be relevant.

Good luck.

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Aussie Michael:
The issue is diagnosed as “solarisation”
Your technicians are diagnosed as having acute decline of their English Language Processor: (a) that is not a diagnosis of the fault, only a *name* for the visual effect; (b) it's the *wrong* name!  That effect is "posterization".  As @KMA said above, the diagnosis would be: somewhere in the video decoding path you are getting an unintended reduction in color bit depth.  (Of course if that's what the title is listed in some service database, well you get whatever the initial report called it!  By the way, that YouTube video link above does indeed look more like solarization.  Both are defects in the processing, but probably of different origin.)

-- Mr. FussBudget.

Aussie Michael
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Melbourne, AU
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Thank you Mr Fuss Budget lol.

Appreciate the clarification. I’ll let the service people know
Aussie Michael
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So service came out today to fix the Avant.

Prior to them coming out my 4K worked on the Xbox and the 1080 content did not work.

The video engine was changed and then 4K didn't work on half of the screen.

They mentioned that it is my Xbox but i didn't think it was.  After they left, i tested with an Apple TV 4K and it replicated the same problem. 

So now i can watch 1080 and I can't watch 4K.

This is getting bloody annoying as it is only 4 years old and therefore at my expense - im going to do some research in to our Australian Consumer Law about implied / statutory warranty shortly.

I'll post some pictures.

Anyone got any suggestions of what it might be?  

Thanks Mike, i know you thought it was the connections, but the service guys said it wasn't the connections. 


Aussie Michael
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I have a MKI Avant 55 with Sky Q plugged into the only compliant HDMI socket (1) and Amazon Prime in HDMI 2, Mac mini in HDMI 3 and a Switch in HDMI 6 and they all work correctly. You might want to check the video output settings on each of your devices and lower them if needed, usually the highest output is set as standard. Check the compliance of your HDMI cables. Not sure what else to suggest?

I have experienced an issue with an Xbox 1 connected to BV14 40 Android TV. It would boot up ok and play games no probs but if I put a BD or DVD in the disc player the screen would blank and display No Signal. I had to go to the ultra HD settings in the tv and change the chroma settings to 4:2:0. This isn’t an option for the first generation Avant but it might assist others who are puzzled by settings for VE3 TV’s?!

Best regards

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I have seen this problem periodically with my sons Xbox 1 connected to his BV10 40 on certain game splash screens like FIFA 18. It doesn’t happen in game though? Google Chromecast video works fine.
Aussie Michael
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Thanks fo your suggestion. All cables are compliant and there was no issue prior to the video engine change with 4K

I have tried an Xbox one and also Apple TV 4K and they have the same issue.

If I change the resolution down to 1080 on both there is no issue. But what’s the point of having a 4K tv if you can’t use the 4K. So now the problems have reversed Unsure

Something you might like is that on the Xbox you can change the 4K to 8 bit.

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Aussie Michael:

Thanks fo your suggestion. All cables are compliant and there was no issue prior to the video engine change with 4K

I have tried an Xbox one and also Apple TV 4K and they have the same issue.

If I change the resolution down to 1080 on both there is no issue. But what’s the point of having a 4K tv if you can’t use the 4K. So now the problems have reversed

Something you might like is that on the Xbox you can change the 4K to 8 bit.


Only HDMI 1 supports HDCP 2.2 UHD, all others support 1.4 HDCP UHD so another 4K source with 2.2 wouldn’t output correctly in HDMI 2-6. The TV supports 8 bit and not 10 bit, this is how my Sky Q 4K is connected. Make sure your HDMI cables support HDCP 2.2 and chroma Settings 4:4:4, 4:2:0

Aussie Michael
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Melbourne, AU
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They were both tested on HDMI 1, so thank you for your input. 👍🏼

Aussie Michael
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Thank you all for your help and suggestions and support.

I am thankful that we still have a service team locally.

As they promised to come back to me with a solution which they did. They came out this afternoon and it appears to be fixed.

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fdcnet replied on Thu, Jan 17 2019 6:04 PM

Hi Michael, my name is Francesco and i'm new to the forum.

I'm having your same issue with my Avant 55 MK1. Just a week ago, my Avant start to have strange images like yours with any sources.

B&O service changed the video engine board and everything came back to normality except one think.

My Avant now has a split screen issue when connected to 4k resolution source, as show in your latest image.

Could you please tell me how your service repaired the problem?!?

Please help, thank you.

Aussie Michael
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Melbourne, AU
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Hi Francesco

Welcome to the forum, it's great to hear from you.  

Sorry to read of your issue.  

Yes, the service department did fix my TV.  They were good to deal with and followed up as promised. 

If yours is 4K, then i think that perhaps they need to come back and ensure they have seated all the cables properly.  I think your issue looks like they haven't tested or connected the cables properly.

If you ring them, they may confirm this with B&O and come back to your house. 

Is it just 4K sources or all sources? 

The reason i ask is that is , if it is all it looks like it has 3D enabled (somehow) which you can switch off.  But if it's just 4K it may be a cable issue. 

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fdcnet replied on Fri, Jan 18 2019 8:27 AM
Yes the problem i have it’s only with 4K sources. if i use 1080P sources no issue at all.
So, they came back to your house and they fix it? Wright?!?
You remember which connection they fixed?!?
Thank you.
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