ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
As the LC2 is supposed to be an inline dimmer. I am having issues wiring it as a wall dimmer.
Got 2 wires going into Live and 1 into Load. How would I wire this to the LC2 of which has 4 inputs?
Beosound 8, Beotime, Beocom 4, Beo 5, Lutron Rania, MacBook 15" (Mid 2015), iPad Pro, iPhone 6S, B&O Play H3, Beolit 12, Form 2, A8 Headphones, B&O Play A1, B&O Essence
Hello Chris,
LC2 has 1 input for Live and 1 input for Neutral.
At the other side are 2 outputs to feed the lamp (Live and Neutral too).
So you need 2 wires of each type.
In addition to the 3 red wires connected to the dimmer, I see 3 black wires in the inwall box, so my guess is that you have the required cabling.
I suggest that you ask an electrician to check this..
Happy new year and kind regards,
Living Room BV Eclipse - BS Core - BL5 - BL8000 - LC2 x2 - Beo6
Lounge Beolink Passive - Cabasse Clipper - Beo4 Kitchen BL3500 - Beolink 1000
Bedroom BV9 - BL6000 (Thks Botty) - Beotime - LC2 - Beo5
Garden Lounge BC9000 - BG 6006 - BL4500 (Thks Botty) - Playmaker - Beolink 1000
Study BS1 - ML/NL Converter - BL2500 - Beo4 - Form 2 (Tks Botty) - Beoplay P2
Firstly a disclaimer. I am NOT an electrician but have wired all my LC2s myself.
I assume the 1st photo is of an existing setup of non-B&O switch or dimmer?
As it has 3 red live cables connected it seems to be of the type that switches/dims via live feed only.
As previously advised you require both live and neutral in and out of an LC2.
Again I assume the black wires visible are the neutral/negative. Therefore you need to connect one live and one neutral to the 'in' connections on the LC2 and live and neutral out to the lamp you wish to control.
It's all described in the instruction booklet which I assume you don't have.
If you're not an electrician, I wouldn't be tinkering with electricity.
Remember, would there be an electrical fire associated with your home-brew connections your insurance company isn't liable.
Also, some old time electrical master on/off switches did not necessarily kill the live cable, but the neutral. So be careful.
Too long to list....