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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beovision 10-46, how to select HDMI as input ?

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jesperb Posted: Sun, Dec 27 2020 12:06 PM


A friend has a Beovision 10 and we're trying to get it work with a new Chromecast, but no luck.
Rather, we cannot find out where to select HDMI as input.

Any help in this appreciated -we expect the Beovision should 'auto select' HDMI when a signal is negotiated?

The Beovision is a 10-46 Type 9555.

Release : Mar 2012

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Beogram TX, Beovox S45, Beovox MC 120.2, BeoSound 1, CX50, Beovox S75, Beomaster 2400, Beomaster 5000, Beogram 5005

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beojeff replied on Sun, Dec 27 2020 12:44 PM

In the BeoVisions's setup menu you must assign to the correct HDMI input (A,B,C, or D) a source to use on the remote -- such as DTV, DVD, V.MEM, etc. Then, you can select the correct HDMI input by pressing the assigned source on your remote.

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Flensborg, Denmark
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There is no ‘autoselect’ on a Beovision (10) for the simple reason that idealy every connected device is controlled through the Beovision/the Beo4 via PUC.

This is the philosophy behind the ‘only one remote needed’ approach of B&O.


Devices like the Chromecast did not excist at the time when the BV10 was made.....any other external device had/has a remote, that we are very happy to put in the cupboard, when we have a Beovision ;-)

(B&O never used CEC in the Beovisions - since the PUC-controlling was much more least back then).

Just follow the instructions from the post that beojeff wrote - and that you also can read in the manual.


There is a tv - and there is a BV

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jesperb replied on Sun, Dec 27 2020 1:44 PM

Thanks beojeff & Millemissen,

Reading the manual was - of course - at LOT smarter, than messing about in the Beoworld forums ;-)

Merry Christmas and thanks again.


Beogram TX, Beovox S45, Beovox MC 120.2, BeoSound 1, CX50, Beovox S75, Beomaster 2400, Beomaster 5000, Beogram 5005

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