ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I have just installed a new set of belts for the tape player. It starts to play fine, but after fast forward or fast rewind, when it starts to play again the leading cog, i.e the right hand one, keeps stopping and the tape spills out a bit before the whole cassette player stops.
Is this a known issue or have I done something wrong?
thanks in advance.
Check the square belt below decks.It should run only on one side of the motor pulley.If fitted so that it passes on both sides, it doesn't actually touch the motor pulley and won't be driven.
Thanks for the reply,
I've checked the belts but I had installed them correctly. The issue remains the same - once the tape is stopped, I need to tap/press the tape back down before pressing play again. If I don't, the action of the heads engaging pushes the tape off-centre enough that the right hand (leading) cog won't turn and the machine cuts out.
Any ideas?
The lubrication related to the movement of the tapehead bridge has dried.There are three or four points.Clean and relube. Use a little silicone grease (of the non-hardening type obviously).
Tape head bridge is the metal piece that moves the tapeheads back and forth, silicone grease here, do not use the spray silicone it will contaminate belts, rubber wheels and tapeheads, and do not have the same lube function as the grease.
Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.
Okay, I took the unit apart and applied some silicon grease in the places where it clearly needed some. This hasn't fixed the problem... I'll upload a video now, so that you can see the problem a little clearer!
Here's a video I made, hopefully makes it a little clearer:
To me, it looks like the pressure roller cannot get into the tape cassette. Pushing the cassette upwards insteadas if it hits the upper edge of the cassette.Is that correct ?Something bent or broken ?
That doesn't seem to be the trouble. However, there seem to be two stabilising pieces that hold the tape, just either side of the main play head. This looks to be what is pushing the tape, I think. I've attached another video for you to look at:
Another interesting thing is what happened when fast forwarding yesterday... it was "jittery". Any ideas, based on what you can see here?
Thanks again everyone!
The two stabilizers are supposed to go in OVER the cassette and hold it down.Bend them upwards slightly so they will be allowed to do exactly this.They must have been inadvertently bent down when you worked on the deck.