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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beoplayer & BeoSound 6 on Windows Vista

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PR Posted: Thu, Jan 10 2019 4:09 PM


I've owned my BeoSound 6 from new and it works perfectly. I have always used the B&O software (Beoplayer) on my Windows Vista HP Laptop and i know my way around this software very well.

Recently I decided to restore my laptop to its original factory settings, this process went well and all the usual updates went through as normal, it is running Vista Service pack 2. I downloaded the Beoplayer from the official B&O website and on running this connected the BeoSound 6 with its USB lead. The problem I have encountered is that I can't find anywhere to 'Register' my product, therefore I can no longer enjoy the NRadio or manually update album covers etc when using NMusic. I can use the music library okay this works fine. I do get a window pop up on start up asking me to select either: BeoMaster 5/ Beosound 5, BeoMeadia 1 or None of the above', when i select it then brings up another window saying 'internet connection not available. An internet connection must be available in order to register. Establish your internet connection manually and try again'. But I do have an internet connection as i can surf the net!

One other thing to add is, when i start up the laptop the beoplayer program won't start-up automatically if the internet connection is turned on, it will only start-up when the internet connection is switched off and i click on the B&O icon on the task bar.

Any help would be appreciated.

P.S. I downloaded the BeoPlayer software on a Windows 10 Laptop but I couldn't Drag & Drop my music files in Beoplayer.



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Guy replied on Thu, Jan 10 2019 4:36 PM

Hi and welcome to Beoworld!

I am no expert (but others on the forum are!), but could this be related to this issue?

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PR replied on Thu, Jan 10 2019 7:36 PM

Thanks for the heads-up Guy, it's probably related I'll follow this lead.

Any other help much appreciated especially the Windows 10 Drag & Drop issue in Beoplayer.

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If the problem is  registering then you cannot via the internet. Beocare sent me the following link to fix the registration, I downloaded it as a .reg file and ran it from the command line. There is a previous post discussing this. Paul 

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PR replied on Thu, Jan 10 2019 10:21 PM

Thanks Paul

Did this work for you to enable you to receive the digital NRadio stations again?

Could you guide me on how to input this data into the pc please 

many thanks 

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Guy replied on Thu, Jan 10 2019 11:08 PM


If the problem is  registering then you cannot via the internet. Beocare sent me the following link to fix the registration, I downloaded it as a .reg file and ran it from the command line. There is a previous post discussing this. Paul 

I remember saving the previous thread in my favourites, and here it is:


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PR replied on Thu, Jan 10 2019 11:49 PM

Thanks for the thread Guy, hopefully this will solve my issue. Just need an idiots guide on how to perform this action. 

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If you haven't managed this yet the do the following:

1) Open Notepad

2) Click on the link I posted earlier to the dropbox account

3) Copy the contents of the dropbox account, you don't need to register or log in

4) Paste into the Notepad window

5)Click Save As, and change the Save As type to All Files

6) Give the file a meaningful name with a .reg extension, I used NRadio.reg

7) Press Save

8) Navigate to the location of the file and double click to execute, answer the questions asked by Windows.

Hope this helps Paul

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PR replied on Sat, Jan 12 2019 4:07 PM

Thanks for the guide on how to do this.Smile

I've followed this and received a message stating that ''s been successfully added to the registry'. I rebooted my laptop and opened BeoPlayer, when I select NRadio it no longer states that I need to register to listen to stations which is good, but it's not listing or downloading any stations. Sad

I copied the following:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bang & Olufsen\BeoPlayer\N.Radio]

I saved the file as NRadio.reg and the encoding selected was ANSI (I don't know what ANSI is???)

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That may be the problem that Guy mentioned earlier with seb domain expired you need to keep an eye on the resolution to that.  Paul 

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Members are reporting the problem with accessing the internet fixed, so you might try again.

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PR replied on Mon, Jan 14 2019 7:16 PM

Would anyone tell me if they fixed this which windows version were they using please. Also regarding the ‘patch’ did you use the wording ‘Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00’ or did you leave this line out?

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RaMaBo replied on Mon, Jan 14 2019 7:30 PM

delete the first line containing 'Windows ...' and the following empty lines until [HKLM]...  is the first line.



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PR replied on Mon, Jan 14 2019 8:30 PM

This is where I’ve gone wrong, I included the first line and the registry did accept it. How do I delete the registry entry and do it again?

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PR replied on Mon, Jan 21 2019 11:24 AM

:: U P D A T E ::

I decided to roll-back the laptop to an earlier date before I altered the registry and after a re-boot I am now receiving the NRadio Stations Smile

Thanks everyone for your help.

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