ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
As I got some work to do up in Monterrey, I will go to McAllen next weekend to pick up my BM/BL 5000 and some odds and pieces, my dear son went to Prague for a long weekend so I have no news about my Beolit 505, I will have to remind him about what is important and what not.
And Dennis nice buy
Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.
Wow, there has been quite a few additions since I was here last time!
I finally have some spare time to tinker with stuff again, between work and school. My semester exam in marine engineering ended with A+ so the time was spent well I guess.
My addition from some time ago was a sad looking Beolab 5000 amplifier that was given to me by the primary school it belonged to. No lamps working, the bass slider was disabled by fixed resistors and one of the slider bodies were in terrible shape. The unit received new electrolytics, undoing the disabled slider and a 3D CAD drawing was made of the missing slider so it can be printed on occation. The lamps were replaced with warm white LED's with appropriately sized resistors (sorry folks, but I prefer to not have incandescent lamps burning out on me...)
I share my workshop with a friend who replaced belts and idlers on his Pioneer cassette deck the same evening.
The finished result so far, and now I know why so many of you like their sound - lots of clarity while maintaining a very deep bass response!
Vinyl records, cassettes, open reel, valve amplifiers and film photography.
Congrats on your exam results Soren well done !
Good to see you are going into the 5000 range, enjoy.
valve1: Congrats on your exam results Soren well done ! Good to see you are going into the 5000 range, enjoy.
Thanks Eddie!
I wasn't expecting it to sound so good, maybe I should rotate my system for a while? Beolab 5000, Beogram 4000 and Beocord 1800 open reel deck instead of the Beolab 8000 system
Søren Hammer:I wasn't expecting it to sound so good, maybe I should rotate my system for a while? Beolab 5000, Beogram 4000 and Beocord 1800 open reel deck instead of the Beolab 8000 system
Hi Søren,
Such a monumental decision to make! But either way it will sound like a winner!
By the way, I really admire your technical expertise. Commendable!
Beogram 4000, Beogram 4002, Beogram 4004, Beogram 8000, Beogram 8002, Beogram 1602. Beogram 4500 CD player, B&O CDX player, Beocord 4500, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 8004, Beocord 9000, Beomaster 1000, Beomaster 1600, Beomaster 2400.2, Beomaster 2400.2, Beomaster 4400, Beomaster 4500, Beolab 5000, Beomaster 5000, BeoCenter 9000. BeoSound Century, S-45.2, S-45.2, S-75, S-75, M-75, M-100, MC 120.2 speakers; B&O Illuminated Sign (with crown & red logo). B&O grey & black Illuminated Sign, B&O black Plexiglas dealer sign, B&O ash tray, B&O (Orrefors) dealer award vase, B&O Beotime Clock. Navy blue B&O baseball cap, B&O T-shirt X2, B&O black ball point pen, B&O Retail Management Binder
The Beolab easily trounces my QUAD 303 and my ReVox A78 of the same era. I am not surprised at all Søren. This has been an addiction for a few years now.
In McAllen TX, arrived today, just checked all the small packages, Thank you Richard, more to come with pics
Looking forward to your unpacking pictures Søren!
chartz: Looking forward to your unpacking pictures Søren!
I gladly second that!
Here goes:
The BL was already out of the box, my nice niece did it to confirm it was OK and the right item. But here the BM 5000 in the opened box
The front, volume numbers and lines missing, 1 push button missing and 2 buttons wobbly.
Bottom view BL
Back view BM
More to come when back in Mexico
And then Richard (Ricardo) again showed the BeoWorld spirit, send me various connectors and an antenna, free of charge of course, thank you Richard, say the word and I will do all I can to help you, and the antenna will be attached to the BM 5000.
Wow! Now THAT is a Søren de Mexico project.
I know that I am FAR from alone in great anticipation of this restoration project with all Søren’s superb photos AND detailed description of the work involved.
This is better than the CBS “Survivor” program….. “What will get fixed next?”
I will be glued to my computer screen for the next month or so.
Finally got the pics of my Beolit 505, the Beolit is now safe with my son in Copenhagen, missing antenna knob is provided by Square4 and will arrive to my son as well, and then in September I will see it in the flesh.
Another great find, I have a couple of these colour radios and they really are brilliant.
Yours looks in pretty good shape as well which is always good. The covers can mark and fade fairly easily.
I found this one in DK, price USD 50 + -, I wanted a red one, easier to spot and not forget, but a red one was around USD 150, so I went for the black one, I have some more pics from front and back and it looks good in the pic, both sides looks the same, the shoes are my sons
Good evening everyone - this BG1800 equipped with MMC4 has just arrived at my house. From an old friend I met long ago, he apparently did not forget that i collected B&O gear. Does not work (checked under the delaminated aluminum hood, belt and fuse are ok) but I will order new caps with my upcoming mouser order. Will investigate at a later date. Very eager to hear what a MMC4 sounds like!
Beo4 'til I die!
Just delivered these PentaLabs to my living room after rescuing them from a record store in Dearborn. HOLY COW do they sound amazing.
They were advertised as Penta IIIs but I'm not so sure that they are. They have the correct green dot matrix displays but still have speaker link jacks. They play wonderfully and are almost fully functional. The only operational problem is that the left Penta has a sticky relay and automatically powers on (even in PL mode) once plugged in. The midrange rings haven't fully perished but I will replace them soon. The control panel on the left Penta doesn't stay in the closed position either. These are all small gripes though. Absolutely excellent, powerful sound.
@Søren Mexico
Congratulations with you new addi(c)tions! I'm following your 5000 workbench threads with great interest!
Congratulations to you as well. The Pentas do indeed have a very powerful sound. I'm always surprised when I listen to them now and then (I'm using MS150.2 at the moment in my room - Pentas are in our livingroom). Looking very good together with the rest of your system.
I'm pretty sure my MKIIIs have Speaker Link sockets as well btw. Penta MKIIIs should have type 6633 written on them (USA version only). Take a look at the backside of the amplifiers.
I don't know if it still is possible to order the closing mechanisms from B&O. I've wanted to order a couple as spare parts for a long time but just haven't got around doing so. If you don't have a dealer nearby, I could try to order some here in Denmark and send them to you and buy myself a couple at the same time, because I will need them at some point. One of them has already been fiddled with by one of the previous owners. Long time since I've visited the B&O dealer in Bremdal anyway (small city just outside of Struer), and I also need new rubber feet for my BL1000s, so just give me a shout.
Dennis: @Evan Congratulations to you as well. The Pentas do indeed have a very powerful sound. I'm always surprised when I listen to them now and then (I'm using MS150.2 at the moment in my room - Pentas are in our livingroom). Looking very good together with the rest of your system. I'm pretty sure my MKIIIs have Speaker Link sockets as well btw. Penta MKIIIs should have type 6633 written on them (USA version only). Take a look at the backside of the amplifiers. I don't know if it still is possible to order the closing mechanisms from B&O. I've wanted to order a couple as spare parts for a long time but just haven't got around doing so. If you don't have a dealer nearby, I could try to order some here in Denmark and send them to you and buy myself a couple at the same time, because I will need them at some point. One of them has already been fiddled with by one of the previous owners. Long time since I've visited the B&O dealer in Bremdal anyway (small city just outside of Struer), and I also need new rubber feet for my BL1000s, so just give me a shout. /Dennis
Thanks Dennis! The more I listen, I realize I need to rearrange things to get them further away from my listening position. There is some serious (and ultra smooth) bass coming out of these. The living room will likely shed the 5000s. At least one or the other set will need to move to the bedroom. Far too cluttered at the moment.
When I was removing the cobwebs and connecting them, I did notice they are type 6633, so that is good news!. I would be very interested in ordering some closing mechanisms if they are still available! If you could check that, I would really appreciate it!
I am missing one of the square feet on the bottom, I think I will 3D print that.
Always wanted one ever since I joined Beoworld and saw Mika's as his avatar. so for the last 7 years I have waited and now I have one.
very clean cosmetic condition. electronic condition not known.
Evan: Just delivered these PentaLabs to my living room after rescuing them from a record store in Dearborn.
Just delivered these PentaLabs to my living room after rescuing them from a record store in Dearborn.
There's a record store in Dearborn? I had an apartment for a year near 8 Mile and Merriman (IIRC). I think my address was in Dearborn.
Congrats on the find.
Ricardo: Always wanted one ever since I joined Beoworld and saw Mika's as his avatar.
Always wanted one ever since I joined Beoworld and saw Mika's as his avatar.
Also congrats on the find.
One thing you'll never see on Beoworld is a post that says, "I always wanted to put a stupid fret cloth on my speakers ever since I saw Rich's avatar."
Nice one Richard, me too, but I will have to wait until next year, Rich my FS tried a couple of times but I could avoid it, using excuses like not enough stretch, the glue wont hold on this type of fabric, too thick the sound wont come out. the threads are different sizes, but she keep on trying.
Evan, Dennis nice to see you back and congrats to your finds, its a little bit boring here with all these grumpy old men
Rich: Ricardo: Always wanted one ever since I joined Beoworld and saw Mika's as his avatar. Also congrats on the find. One thing you'll never see on Beoworld is a post that says, "I always wanted to put a stupid fret cloth on my speakers ever since I saw Rich's avatar."
Well done Ricardo! That radio can't be too common in the States.
@Evan, that Penta panel latch is a classic fault and I believe spares haven't been available for quite a while. Never hurts to ask around though.
Hi there!
My latest addiction is a Beogram 9000, in which I replaced the (damaged) MMC by a Ortofon Concorde pickup. The deck was damaged during transport and was sold for spare parts. Just to try that out. It's working fine now and looks very similar to the original. I posted a detailed description on the german site
Rich:There's a record store in Dearborn? I had an apartment for a year near 8 Mile and Merriman (IIRC). I think my address was in Dearborn. Congrats on the find. Blah blah blah, blah blah ba ran
Søren Mexico:Evan, Dennis nice to see you back and congrats to your finds, its a little bit boring here with all these grumpy old men
I'll try my best to stay involved and increase the excitement around here! I'll be updating my BeoMaster 5000 thread soon.
tournedos:@Evan, that Penta panel latch is a classic fault and I believe spares haven't been available for quite a while. Never hurts to ask around though.
That is what I expected.. But I will check anyway. The dealer network is getting thin here in the mid-west, Columbus and Detroit stores have both been closed for a few years now. I think there is a store in Cincinnati and of course there are a few stores in Chicago.
I have no idea what it looks like.. depending on the geometry, I could try to 3DP some replacements.
A local Beophile was cleaning house... I picked up BeoCabinet #2 (on the right) for a song!
BeoNut since '75
elephant:You lucky dog !
Thanks! I'm ecstatic. This is going to be my dedicated music listening area (eyeing a pair of speakers at the moment). One cabinet will have a Beogram 6500 turntable on top, the other, hopefully a Beosound Moment later in the year. I continue to watch the growth and maturity of this device with great interest and anticipation.
Sal:Thanks! I'm ecstatic. This is going to be my dedicated music listening area (eyeing a pair of speakers at the moment). One cabinet will have a Beogram 6500 turntable on top, the other, hopefully a Beosound Moment later in the year. I continue to watch the growth and maturity of this device with great interest and anticipation.
Latest addiction (addition)… well whereas I have owned this trusty (never has needed anything in 8 years) Beogram 4004 for a considerable time, its remote feature is new to me.
Well today it didn’t work and I was stunned. The Beomaster 2400 came on alright, but not the Beogram.
SURPRISE I use this Beogram 4004 so much that I wore out the hard to find Eveready 504 battery in the remote in three short months.
It’s a good thing that this unique to the Beomaster 2400 remote doesn’t have a TAPE feature or I probably wouldn’t use any of my other equipment.
Piaf:SURPRISE I use this Beogram 4004 so much that I wore out the hard to find Eveready 504 battery in the remote in three short months.
How do you treat the blisters on your fingers
So many worthwhile projects and such energy.
You really need a Beogram 4004. It really entertains the child in us all.
Ustedes son un ejemplo para todos nosotros. Las ampollas? No hay problema, mi control remoto tiene un toque muy sensitive.
On its way!
//Bo.A long list...
Looks absolutely superb! Enjoy.
Indeed. Best of luck with the new table.