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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Your latest addi(c)tion?

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Victoria, British Columbia Canada
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This ain’t in the same league as some of your incredible recent finds, but I rather like it. Last time I checked it was inching my way, so far in St. Louis, Missouri. Should look fantastic in-between the two existing illuminated B&O signs.



Beogram 4000, Beogram 4002, Beogram 4004, Beogram 8000, Beogram 8002, Beogram 1602. Beogram 4500 CD player, B&O CDX player, Beocord 4500, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 8004, Beocord 9000, Beomaster 1000, Beomaster 1600, Beomaster 2400.2, Beomaster 2400.2, Beomaster 4400, Beomaster 4500, Beolab 5000, Beomaster 5000, BeoCenter 9000. BeoSound Century,  S-45.2, S-45.2, S-75, S-75, M-75, M-100, MC 120.2 speakers; B&O Illuminated Sign (with crown & red logo). B&O grey & black Illuminated Sign, B&O black Plexiglas dealer sign, B&O ash tray, B&O (Orrefors) dealer award vase,  B&O Beotime Clock. Navy blue B&O baseball cap, B&O T-shirt X2, B&O black ball point pen, B&O Retail Management Binder


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Burgundy, France
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chartz replied on Fri, May 20 2016 8:00 PM

Oh! I'd most definitely like to have that! Great find my friend Smile


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Ben_S replied on Fri, May 20 2016 8:22 PM


My latest addi(c)tions, Beogram 1500 and Beovoxes 901.

An humble but  charming little system from the late 60's early 70's, here in oak finish. Wink



Absolutely gorgeous system. Nice collection of Beolits in the background as well!


Aussie Michael
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My latest addi(c)tions, Beogram 1500 and Beovoxes 901.

An humble but  charming little system from the late 60's early 70's, here in oak finish. Wink



Just beautiful Marc 

Top 50 Contributor
Victoria, British Columbia Canada
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Piaf replied on Fri, May 20 2016 8:51 PM


Oh! I'd most definitely like to have that! Great find my friend Smile

Thanks Jacques, your comment is most appreciated.


The seller purchased a large and diverse estate from a serious B&O collector and used the sign as a prop to sell the collection individually. Once all sold, he put the sign up for sale to get “rid” of it.


And I was more than happy to help in that endeavor. Big Smile




Beogram 4000, Beogram 4002, Beogram 4004, Beogram 8000, Beogram 8002, Beogram 1602. Beogram 4500 CD player, B&O CDX player, Beocord 4500, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 8004, Beocord 9000, Beomaster 1000, Beomaster 1600, Beomaster 2400.2, Beomaster 2400.2, Beomaster 4400, Beomaster 4500, Beolab 5000, Beomaster 5000, BeoCenter 9000. BeoSound Century,  S-45.2, S-45.2, S-75, S-75, M-75, M-100, MC 120.2 speakers; B&O Illuminated Sign (with crown & red logo). B&O grey & black Illuminated Sign, B&O black Plexiglas dealer sign, B&O ash tray, B&O (Orrefors) dealer award vase,  B&O Beotime Clock. Navy blue B&O baseball cap, B&O T-shirt X2, B&O black ball point pen, B&O Retail Management Binder


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elephant replied on Sat, May 21 2016 4:15 AM

My latest addi(c)tions, Beogram 1500 and Beovoxes 901.

An humble but charming little system from the late 60's early 70's, here in oak finish.


That was and still is our first B&O bought in 1975 - yours looks much better !

I hope it still works.

BeoNut since '75

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Teddy_fr replied on Sun, May 22 2016 2:57 PM

Thank you all for your kind comments !

Here is one of my latest addi(c)tions, not a red but an orange Beolit 609.
This Beolit is not repainted, its colour is a true and original B&O colour.
It is not very common, it seems that very few were sold maybe because the ribs of the grills were very breakable (was there a problem in the orange plastic formula) and perhaps people did not like this flashy colour at that time ?...
Today it's a real B&O gem.


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square4 replied on Mon, May 23 2016 5:04 PM

Last weekend i went for a 9 hours drive to buy this







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square4 replied on Mon, May 23 2016 5:11 PM

Some text is missing,i was on a 9 hours drive last weekend to get this beomaster home.

I bought it from beoworldmember Friedmet,and it is in really good shape.


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elephant replied on Mon, May 23 2016 11:32 PM

Some text is missing,i was on a 9 hours drive last weekend to get this beomaster home.

I bought it from beoworldmember Friedmet,and it is in really good shape.


Drive for nine hours ?!

That is true love Smile

Thank you for the wonderful pictures.

Thank you Friedmet for another rescue !

BeoNut since '75

Top 50 Contributor
Victoria, British Columbia Canada
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Piaf replied on Thu, Jun 2 2016 5:36 AM

Looks fantastic! Enjoy Dennis! I love my Beomaster 4500, but I am missing a few of your newly acquired parts.


Beogram 4000, Beogram 4002, Beogram 4004, Beogram 8000, Beogram 8002, Beogram 1602. Beogram 4500 CD player, B&O CDX player, Beocord 4500, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 8004, Beocord 9000, Beomaster 1000, Beomaster 1600, Beomaster 2400.2, Beomaster 2400.2, Beomaster 4400, Beomaster 4500, Beolab 5000, Beomaster 5000, BeoCenter 9000. BeoSound Century,  S-45.2, S-45.2, S-75, S-75, M-75, M-100, MC 120.2 speakers; B&O Illuminated Sign (with crown & red logo). B&O grey & black Illuminated Sign, B&O black Plexiglas dealer sign, B&O ash tray, B&O (Orrefors) dealer award vase,  B&O Beotime Clock. Navy blue B&O baseball cap, B&O T-shirt X2, B&O black ball point pen, B&O Retail Management Binder


Top 50 Contributor
Victoria, British Columbia Canada
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My latest Bang & Olufsen sign arrived today and it’s a beauty. It had the expected scuffs and scrapes you’d expect from a Plexiglas sign this age….. but with a LOT of buffing and the use of a single stand from a donor paint brush with tiny drops of white paint and the end result is more than presentable.


So here is the new sign joining the two illuminated ones.



Beogram 4000, Beogram 4002, Beogram 4004, Beogram 8000, Beogram 8002, Beogram 1602. Beogram 4500 CD player, B&O CDX player, Beocord 4500, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 8004, Beocord 9000, Beomaster 1000, Beomaster 1600, Beomaster 2400.2, Beomaster 2400.2, Beomaster 4400, Beomaster 4500, Beolab 5000, Beomaster 5000, BeoCenter 9000. BeoSound Century,  S-45.2, S-45.2, S-75, S-75, M-75, M-100, MC 120.2 speakers; B&O Illuminated Sign (with crown & red logo). B&O grey & black Illuminated Sign, B&O black Plexiglas dealer sign, B&O ash tray, B&O (Orrefors) dealer award vase,  B&O Beotime Clock. Navy blue B&O baseball cap, B&O T-shirt X2, B&O black ball point pen, B&O Retail Management Binder


Top 75 Contributor
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Steffen replied on Sat, Jun 4 2016 12:06 PM


My latest Bang & Olufsen sign arrived today and it’s a beauty. It had the expected scuffs and scrapes you’d expect from a Plexiglas sign this age….. but with a LOT of buffing and the use of a single stand from a donor paint brush with tiny drops of white paint and the end result is more than presentable.


So here is the new sign joining the two illuminated ones.



Some really nice looking signs you have there, Jeff. And you've done a really good job restoring the latest one Yes - thumbs up


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Steffen replied on Sat, Jun 4 2016 12:16 PM

My latest B&O is a BV 6-23 for my BeoBar. Beer Drinks

Top 50 Contributor
Victoria, British Columbia Canada
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Piaf replied on Sat, Jun 4 2016 5:20 PM

Some really nice looking signs you have there, Jeff. And you've done a really good job restoring the latest one Yes - thumbs up

Why thank you Steffen….. I really, really like my new sign.


All things considered the Plexiglas was not in all that poor shape.


Some of the worst “damage” was ancient residue….. been on the plastic surface for God knows how long. However with determination and adhesive remover it eventually came off. (I suspect the seller thought the residue was REAL and permanent scuffs.)


Beyond the faux scuffs there were a vast collection of scratches acquired in less than ideal storage. Most of these scratches came off with automobile polish, followed by a couple coats of automobile wax.


The few deeper scratches remain, but were “softened” by the polishing. All could be removed but that would seriously risk removing too much of the painted letter and B&O logo. So it is a balancing act as to how much effort is used and where.


The last “trick” which I already shared (above) was to use a single strand of paint brush bristle. This allows for the tiniest amount of paint to be applied. Then when the paint dries it is virtually impossible to see the “repair.” (Certainly from a meter’s distance you can’t see any of the painted repairs.)


If you “click” on the picture you can see all 3 signs. Unfortunately the BeoTime clock is just out of view.


And it goes without saying that I LOVE your BeoBar. Big Smile




Beogram 4000, Beogram 4002, Beogram 4004, Beogram 8000, Beogram 8002, Beogram 1602. Beogram 4500 CD player, B&O CDX player, Beocord 4500, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 8004, Beocord 9000, Beomaster 1000, Beomaster 1600, Beomaster 2400.2, Beomaster 2400.2, Beomaster 4400, Beomaster 4500, Beolab 5000, Beomaster 5000, BeoCenter 9000. BeoSound Century,  S-45.2, S-45.2, S-75, S-75, M-75, M-100, MC 120.2 speakers; B&O Illuminated Sign (with crown & red logo). B&O grey & black Illuminated Sign, B&O black Plexiglas dealer sign, B&O ash tray, B&O (Orrefors) dealer award vase,  B&O Beotime Clock. Navy blue B&O baseball cap, B&O T-shirt X2, B&O black ball point pen, B&O Retail Management Binder


Top 25 Contributor
Burgundy, France
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chartz replied on Sat, Jun 4 2016 6:08 PM


Looks fantastic! Enjoy Dennis! I love my Beomaster 4500, but I am missing a few of your newly acquired parts.



That 4500 of yours is more than an addiction Jeff, it is an obsession [damn auto spell cr...]. The men in white coats are round the corner, beware! Big Smile



Top 50 Contributor
Victoria, British Columbia Canada
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Piaf replied on Sat, Jun 4 2016 6:48 PM

That 4500 of yours is more than an addiction Jeff, it is an obcession. The men in white coats are round the corner, beware! Big Smile

Hi Jacques,


I was wondering who those guys were. At last I know.


Obsession? Hummm, I gotta think about that. Maybe. Could be.


I mean do I like the Beomaster 4500? The obvious answer is yes. Does it continually manage to delight “sucking” in far away KING-FM Seattle? Well yes it does.


However if the men in the white coats, I see in the corner, are waiting for me, it is over my REAL obsession with the remote controlled Beogram 4004. The child in me just never has grown up.


The 4004 remote is an unbelievably (by today’s standards) primitive device. PRIMITIVE! All it can do is PLAY, PAUSE, or STOP….. that’s it, but I get a kick out of it every time I use it. Big Smile


OK, I think one of the guys with the white coats has a net….. I maybe in trouble.




Beogram 4000, Beogram 4002, Beogram 4004, Beogram 8000, Beogram 8002, Beogram 1602. Beogram 4500 CD player, B&O CDX player, Beocord 4500, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 8004, Beocord 9000, Beomaster 1000, Beomaster 1600, Beomaster 2400.2, Beomaster 2400.2, Beomaster 4400, Beomaster 4500, Beolab 5000, Beomaster 5000, BeoCenter 9000. BeoSound Century,  S-45.2, S-45.2, S-75, S-75, M-75, M-100, MC 120.2 speakers; B&O Illuminated Sign (with crown & red logo). B&O grey & black Illuminated Sign, B&O black Plexiglas dealer sign, B&O ash tray, B&O (Orrefors) dealer award vase,  B&O Beotime Clock. Navy blue B&O baseball cap, B&O T-shirt X2, B&O black ball point pen, B&O Retail Management Binder


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DMacri replied on Sat, Jul 9 2016 11:18 PM
I bought a Playmaker on eBay for $36. No back cover, power cord, or stand. I don't care about the back cover, and I made my own replacement stand out of zinc plated bar stock for a few bucks. Already had plenty of power cords. Ordered the powerlink cables from Steve (awesome as usual) and hooked up my spare Beolab 2500s and I am just thrilled with the sound. I can even control the setup with my spare Beolink 1000 remote.

The whole family is surprised by the quality of this little system. As am I. Lets have a Party !!!


2x BeoSystem 3, BeoSystem 5000, BeoSystem 6500, 2x BeoMaster 7000, 2 pair of BeoLab Penta mk2, AV 7000, Beolab 4000, BeoSound 4000, Playmaker, BeoLab 2500, S-45, S-45.2, RL-140, CX-50, C-75, 3x CX-100, 3x MCL2 link rooms, 3x Beolab 2000, M3, P2, Earset, A8 earphones, A3, 2x 4001 relay, H3, H3 ANC, H6, 2014 Audi S5 with B&O sound, and ambio 

Søren Mexico
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On my latest vacation in DK my oldest aunt gave me this one, as I didnt have any space in my suitcases I left it with my aunt, also to have an excuse to visit her again. The antenna is done for, bent, broken, twisted and repaired with plumbers tape.

Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.

Top 50 Contributor
Victoria, British Columbia Canada
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Piaf replied on Sun, Jul 10 2016 3:53 AM



I call that an excellent excuse to visit Denmark. That was really nice of your Aunt.Smile



Beogram 4000, Beogram 4002, Beogram 4004, Beogram 8000, Beogram 8002, Beogram 1602. Beogram 4500 CD player, B&O CDX player, Beocord 4500, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 5000 T4716, Beocord 8004, Beocord 9000, Beomaster 1000, Beomaster 1600, Beomaster 2400.2, Beomaster 2400.2, Beomaster 4400, Beomaster 4500, Beolab 5000, Beomaster 5000, BeoCenter 9000. BeoSound Century,  S-45.2, S-45.2, S-75, S-75, M-75, M-100, MC 120.2 speakers; B&O Illuminated Sign (with crown & red logo). B&O grey & black Illuminated Sign, B&O black Plexiglas dealer sign, B&O ash tray, B&O (Orrefors) dealer award vase,  B&O Beotime Clock. Navy blue B&O baseball cap, B&O T-shirt X2, B&O black ball point pen, B&O Retail Management Binder


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Burgundy, France
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chartz replied on Fri, Aug 26 2016 2:33 PM

Not B&O but... awaiting OTA ESL57's any time soon Smile




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Rich replied on Fri, Aug 26 2016 2:55 PM

Jaff had those Quad pieces (or something very similar) when I visited him, but they weren't in that cabinet.

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Burgundy, France
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chartz replied on Fri, Aug 26 2016 2:57 PM


Jaff had those Quad pieces (or something very similar) when I visited him, but they weren't in that cabinet.


This is the original afrormosia cabinet manufactured by QUAD at the time, this one found band new with original styrofoam (thanks again, Peter!).



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elephant replied on Sat, Aug 27 2016 6:26 AM
Ahhh QUAD - always liked their style

Brings back memories of the Sixties !

BeoNut since '75

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Burgundy, France
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chartz replied on Sat, Aug 27 2016 11:21 PM

Ahhh QUAD - always liked their style

Brings back memories of the Sixties !

And boy do they sound marvelous when partnered with their natural siblings, namely the QUAD ESL speakers.

Sorry but no B&O can rival here, and you know my profound love for the Danish marque.



Aussie Michael
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Latest addition is the XBox One S

Hooked it up on the weekend and have ordered the Plate for the Avant on STB Brackets along with a white BeoRemote One wall holder.

Will let you know when the XBox Plate arrives and how it looks.

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DMacri replied on Wed, Nov 16 2016 12:23 AM
I just picked up a Beosystem 6500 in white plus an AV7000. The seller didn't know if they worked, so I took a chance for $375. The Beomaster 6500 and Beogram CD 6500 are both just fine. The Beocord 6500 will probably need all new belts. The Beogram 7000 will need more work - the turntable starts as soon as it's plugged into the power outlet and the tone arm assembly doesn't move. It doesn't seem to respond to commands, but the speed select buttons work. I haven't tried the AV 7000 yet. So not bad for a first pass review. More work on the weekend.


2x BeoSystem 3, BeoSystem 5000, BeoSystem 6500, 2x BeoMaster 7000, 2 pair of BeoLab Penta mk2, AV 7000, Beolab 4000, BeoSound 4000, Playmaker, BeoLab 2500, S-45, S-45.2, RL-140, CX-50, C-75, 3x CX-100, 3x MCL2 link rooms, 3x Beolab 2000, M3, P2, Earset, A8 earphones, A3, 2x 4001 relay, H3, H3 ANC, H6, 2014 Audi S5 with B&O sound, and ambio 

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elephant replied on Wed, Nov 16 2016 7:29 AM
Congratulations Dom

A lucky and hopefully proud owner

And an adventure down Repair Lane ?

BeoNut since '75

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DMacri replied on Fri, Nov 18 2016 3:02 AM
Thanks, yes very lucky and I do have some repair work ahead.


2x BeoSystem 3, BeoSystem 5000, BeoSystem 6500, 2x BeoMaster 7000, 2 pair of BeoLab Penta mk2, AV 7000, Beolab 4000, BeoSound 4000, Playmaker, BeoLab 2500, S-45, S-45.2, RL-140, CX-50, C-75, 3x CX-100, 3x MCL2 link rooms, 3x Beolab 2000, M3, P2, Earset, A8 earphones, A3, 2x 4001 relay, H3, H3 ANC, H6, 2014 Audi S5 with B&O sound, and ambio 

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Mark replied on Wed, Nov 23 2016 11:35 AM
well I fell for it and bought a Black Friday promotion on Amazon.

H3 with ANC for £99 .... perfect backup for my cans or just a small injection for

my addiction

we tend to forget there is more to design than designing.

Peter Pan
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Peter Pan replied on Wed, Nov 23 2016 2:13 PM


2 extra BeoVox Penta came to my house.


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CB replied on Wed, Nov 23 2016 5:01 PM
Beware Peter...

After sometime, it's no more your house, it's the Penta´s house !

Like with cats...
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Dave replied on Thu, Nov 24 2016 12:19 PM

I dragged my newly acquired Beomaster 8000 from Woolwich in London up to Liverpool, in a large wheeled suitcase on the London Docklands Railway, the Tube and Mainline train from Euston and I bought it knowing its not even working. I had to negotiate 4 flights of stairs transferring from DLR to Tube at Bank as well. Its in mint condition though, but I don't know if I even need it now as I have recently bought a pair of Beolab 8000's for 429GBP from a seller local to me, so its not much use now as I am now fully active in my listening area (The 8000's sound amazing, I need to re-listen to everything now, the clarity is stunning) 

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Will you use them as rears, PP?

"You think we can slap some oak on this thing?"

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Vintage Bang & Olufsen

Søren Mexico
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What a find, congrats, just beautilful

Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.

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Thanks Soren but acctually I have to confess, it is not my last B&O addiction. I cheated little bit Geeked

I got it few months ago but today I found some time to get it again out of the box and to enjoy, really enjoy, this craftsmanship the things were made before.

Really amazing...

And this little rosewood box match perfectly other, bigger one, I found few weeks earlier... They are really nice pair IMO Smile




Vintage Bang & Olufsen

Søren Mexico
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Mexico City
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I got it few months ago but today I found some time to get it again out of the box and to enjoy, really enjoy, this craftsmanship the things were made before.

Really amazing...

Yes just amazing how much craftsmanship they put into it in earlier days, not to speak of the items in the boxes, I have been looking for mics for my RtoRs but very expensive and the Mexican peso has gone down nearly 70 % with this government 50 % only the last year


Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.

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Burgundy, France
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chartz replied on Sat, Nov 26 2016 3:47 PM

Mmm. So artificial. Where does the money go in the end one might wonder? Is ignorance really bliss?

Here the opposite happened to me. I bought several items on Ebay UK and prices have plummeted since Brexit, making them absolute bargains.


Søren Mexico
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Mexico City
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Mmm. So artificial. Where does the money go in the end one might wonder? Is ignorance really bliss?

Here the opposite happened to me. I bought several items on Ebay UK and prices have plummeted since Brexit, making them absolute bargains.

Artificial right, normally one only want the item in the box, but I admire a work done by a first class craftsman, I see myself as one in my daily work, I love it when I can finish a job to perfection, this make me feel proud of myself. When I see a nice looking, good made piece of what ever, I always think of the people behind it, the designer, the workers, the craftsman(men), one have to give respect to all of them. When I pas my B&O floor standing speakers I always let my hand slice over them just to feel the perfect wood, At that moment I dont think about money I just love that feeling.


Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.

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