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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Your latest addi(c)tion?

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tamtapir replied on Thu, Mar 28 2013 8:41 AM

Søren Mexico:

I'm going to replace the ribbon cable on the front panel of the Beomaster and change all belts in Beocord and Beogram.

Nice boxes, I didn't like mine to begin with, but getting used to them, as you mentioned too newLaughing. Playing very good though, and use them everyday.

Beocord belts and cleaning, clean all cable plugs and jacks properly. BG CD50, belt and cleaning

Thanks, Søren and also thanks for the links. I'm going to disassemble Beocord right down to the bottom plate as you did, because the tray doesn't move without help. The motor runs, so it is not the problem.

When I press play, rewind or ff, the tape are spinning for a second and then shutting down. The solution would be more cleaning, new grease and new belts also here.

Previously I use a CD50 playing through BM 6000 2702 and I really enjoy the sound. It runs just as it was supposed to work, I think. The “new” CD50, however, does not work completely perfect in the tray, the same issue as Jacques had with his cd player. I did not remove and cleaned all the gear and therefore have homework to do. Martin might have the right belt although he doesn't advertise it on Bonanza?

I knew I had an MCL 82 somewhere and found it in a box together with the speaker connectors with 3 pins. It must of course be tested with the stack when it works! Remains to find the MCL-cable which is also to be found anywhere...



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Laban666 replied on Sat, Mar 30 2013 8:07 PM

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tamtapir replied on Sun, Mar 31 2013 8:57 AM



Å! Den där skulle jag ha glädje av!


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tamtapir replied on Fri, Apr 12 2013 8:23 PM

Couldn't resist these when they showed up on Blocket: Beogram CD 3300 which works brilliantly and Beocord 3300 which need new belts: the old ones has left us for a tuggummiliknande* state, perhaps before they are reborn as butterflies. Or not.
I am not sure what I think of the design. Has previously not enjoyed it but slowly reevaluating the gray color and the big font. I also notice the fine humps in touch controls. Mjo, maybe they can stay.
*something that feels like used chewing gum when you touch it.


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Laban666 replied on Sat, Apr 13 2013 10:54 PM

The 6000 is from beoworld-user Charlie.

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Orava replied on Fri, Apr 26 2013 1:12 PM



I don't think using chamois for the ABR's is a good idea. I think the chamois progressively will dry out and get as stiff as cardboard. I even think, that it's written on the container, that the chamois should be kept moist in it or a similar airtight container.


- Dennis



that is not true for me, as long as you use synthetic chammy leather cloth, it is perfect !



but you are right, do not use real leather chamois (yes it will eventually dry out and go brittle)



Just cant be thinking, what proofs that synthetic is any better and last without drying or falling apart? I mean, they did not know in 80's that foam will melt? Did they?


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Dennis replied on Fri, Apr 26 2013 1:21 PM

The chamois I have at home are synthetic! And it is written on the container, that it they should be kept moist in the container or a similar airtight container. So I don't think using chamois for the ABR's is a good idea - synthetic or not! 

- DennisSmile

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Orava replied on Fri, Apr 26 2013 3:08 PM


The chamois I have at home are synthetic! And it is written on the container, that it they should be kept moist in the container or a similar airtight container. So I don't think using chamois for the ABR's is a good idea - synthetic or not! 

- DennisSmile

So, no permanent solution... Yet

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Søren Mexico
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The chamois I have at home are synthetic! And it is written on the container, that it they should be kept moist in the container or a similar airtight container. So I don't think using chamois for the ABR's is a good idea - synthetic or not! 

- DennisSmile

So, no permanent solution... Yet

I have the same opinion as Dennis, I have never seen the ABRs, but as I understand it, they was originally attached with foam and supposed to have a certain movement to reflect and increase the bass. I would try with double knit (if not double knit it only stretches in one direction) speaker fabric, attach it without stretching,  this will allow the ABRs to have some movement, the synthetic chamois does get very hard when dry, and when drying it also shrinks and this will give the ABRs less movement.


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Orava replied on Fri, Apr 26 2013 4:56 PM

How about microfiber or viscose some type? I have seen these very leatherlike.

I have now 2 ABRs, but in parts, so I have no idea how much there should be play on them.

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Søren Mexico
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How about microfiber or viscose some type? I have seen these very leatherlike.

I have now 2 ABRs, but in parts, so I have no idea how much there should be play on them.

If the originals had foam, it will have to be something that allows some movements, microfiber does not stretch I dont know about viscose, There are some foams available, like carpet underlays, but as I dont know what was originally attached, I am only guessing. As you have your speakers apart, and different fabrics and/or materials available, why not try with some, and check the sound, like microfiber in one speakers and speaker fabric in another.

This problem has been on for a long time, and it would be interesting to find a good solution. I know you like to experiment and have a lot of time to do it in the Finnish long winter nightsLaughing


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Orava replied on Fri, Apr 26 2013 8:11 PM

Hey, winter is gone. Oh, there is next coming...Surprise Ah, if only have time to try different things, and if only have ears good enough.

As they are all ready apart, I dont know what they should sound like. It might be that after a noticeable effort they do sound good, regardless are they actually ,or not. Big Smile

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DMacri replied on Sat, Apr 27 2013 12:15 AM
The ABR works by the same principle as a passive radiator. It is a tuned system, so you would have to try to match the same weight, compliance, and excursion. I think it would be difficult to duplicate without using foam or perhaps synthetic rubber with similar properties to the original foam.


2x BeoSystem 3, BeoSystem 5000, BeoSystem 6500, 2x BeoMaster 7000, 2 pair of BeoLab Penta mk2, AV 7000, Beolab 4000, BeoSound 4000, Playmaker, BeoLab 2500, S-45, S-45.2, RL-140, CX-50, C-75, 3x CX-100, 3x MCL2 link rooms, 3x Beolab 2000, M3, P2, Earset, A8 earphones, A3, 2x 4001 relay, H3, H3 ANC, H6, 2014 Audi S5 with B&O sound, and ambio 

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Orava replied on Sat, Apr 27 2013 9:45 AM


Rubber... Hmmmm....Hmm

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DMacri replied on Mon, Apr 29 2013 11:45 AM
Or it may be easier to add a port to a plate with the appropriate length and diameter tube to simulate the RL60.2 configuration. The ABR does have a similar operating principle to a port, and that was B&O's solution.

You are trying to match the mass of air in the port tube, so you can make different length and width selections to get the same volume or air fit in a port that fits in the speaker cabinet. Maybe a flexible tube?

At least that's my understanding of port design. I'm certain there are much brighter folks on the forum that can provide their knowledge.


2x BeoSystem 3, BeoSystem 5000, BeoSystem 6500, 2x BeoMaster 7000, 2 pair of BeoLab Penta mk2, AV 7000, Beolab 4000, BeoSound 4000, Playmaker, BeoLab 2500, S-45, S-45.2, RL-140, CX-50, C-75, 3x CX-100, 3x MCL2 link rooms, 3x Beolab 2000, M3, P2, Earset, A8 earphones, A3, 2x 4001 relay, H3, H3 ANC, H6, 2014 Audi S5 with B&O sound, and ambio 

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Orava replied on Mon, Apr 29 2013 6:02 PM

And here is missing link between ABRs and addi(c)tion Wink

as some of you already guessed.

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tournedos replied on Mon, Apr 29 2013 6:33 PM

Or it may be easier to add a port to a plate with the appropriate length and diameter tube to simulate the RL60.2 configuration. The ABR does have a similar operating principle to a port, and that was B&O's solution.

I believe that way back, B&O offered a repair kit for these ABRs, which was exactly that: a cover plate with a tuned reflex tube. It has obviously been unavailable for a long time now.

Anything but the exactly original compliance & weight of the ABR surrounds will most definitely colour the sound in some way because the bass respose won't be the same as it was with the original ABR. This is not to say that you couldn't find an acceptably sounding replacement, but there's really no way to know other than try it. I think the tube thing might be easier to implement well, and it's not going to change itself over time!


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Orava replied on Tue, Apr 30 2013 1:02 PM

I think it would not matter much if I try different tubes or so... I dont know how they originally sounded nor I can measure these, any way in livingroom measurements are somewhat useless... I have to trust that if it sounds ok, it is ok.

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Örebro, Sweden
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I went off to pick up a Beogram 5000 a few metric miles south from my home town yesterday but when I arrived home again there was a complete Beosystem 5000 (+ a pair of Beovox S45) in my trunk.

Believe me, its not just what I say for justify my addiction: people are letterly giving away there gears!

But all parts were not perfect: the Beogram was defect in the adjustment for pick-up height. I have to make a work-around for this if nobody have an idea.

I think this is the most beautiful turntable from B & O and my first radial-working from the same manifacturer. (Edit: but its not my first radial tracking turntable from B & O, I have a Beogram 1000 and a Beogram 1500 but seldom use them)


That picture did not look so appetizing. Have to vacuumclean the Beogram from the former owners private-part-hair...


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BO replied on Sat, May 4 2013 1:50 PM


I found this BC7700. Came together with a perfectly working MMC4 and a pair of S60. 




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Orava replied on Mon, May 6 2013 6:11 PM

The ABR works by the same principle as a passive radiator. It is a tuned system, so you would have to try to match the same weight, compliance, and excursion. I think it would be difficult to duplicate without using foam or perhaps synthetic rubber with similar properties to the original foam.

I would say here is somewhat interesting solutioon...

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Orava replied on Thu, May 9 2013 11:58 AM

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tamtapir replied on Sat, May 11 2013 4:19 PM

After a stable auction ending on Tradera last night I had the highest bid on a Beomaster 3000 as well as a couple of Beovox 2200. The Beomaster looks very good, sounded like it should when testing over the radio and may be joined to the already existing Beomaster 4000 on the shelf until further notice.  I picked up the gears in Stockholm today and then got even a pair of headphones that glimpsed on the pictures.

The speakers that came with the receiver has a really nice format, they sounds also as you might expect but has some wounds in the form of hack and – worse – an old water damage on one topside. Fronts were surprisingly fast with fittings worthy of a wooden boat and have both the golden B&O-marks left on the fronts.
When I read about the speakers at Beoworld and Beocentral none of the pages mention that these speakers were able to get in oak. "Only" Rosewood or teak was available but these are both lined with Oak veneer.

The speakers are so easy to style and sounds so nice that I immediately will take them into claims while the Beomaster, the reason for the purchase, must wait a little further for an electric review.


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Dennis replied on Thu, May 16 2013 11:24 PM

So... I was taking pictures of my latest additions, so I could share my happiness with you. But this happiness turned into sadness in just a couple of milliseconds! I had just connected the speakers 10 minutes earlier and played a few songs with the volume cranked up to a good level, when I decided to take some pictures. I think I had snapped 10 pictures and before I knew what happened the left speaker tilted backwards and gently smashed into the Libratone Airplay speaker behind it, which then tilted as well and hit the BeoLink 7000 floor stand... Super Angry

Yes, the almost mint BeoLink fell onto the floor... It happened so fast that I didn't even had the time to scream: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Crying

Afterwards I was really surprised, that it survived the fall so well! The BeoLink has only got a little dent in the metal plate and a mark on the backside. The floor stand did also get 2 marks as my mint Libratone hit it! ... Well, take a look at the pictures... But I'll have to warn you first! These pictures are not for the fainthearted!

This picture was taken just a few seconds before it tilted over:

Yes, I know, I'm an idiot... Think I'll go cry myself to sleep now... Crying

I don't even bother talking about the RL35's now and the fact that they have red labels...

But, when all comes to all, it's just material things, and that's just what happens. There are much worse things in life than a little dent in a metal plate and a scratch in a speaker top plate - Always look on the bright side of life! And as they are only material things, I think I will be able to source some spare parts from somewhere! Wink

To be continued!

Goodnight! Smile


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Ricardo replied on Sun, May 19 2013 2:12 PM

... it worked and it will still play clearly for a few minutes before the intermittant distortion and power loss kicked in. Wont be playing it again until it has had the overhaul.

tested the radio and tape via iTunes for about  5 or ten minutes before I unplugged it. Interesting piece.


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tamtapir replied on Mon, May 27 2013 4:58 PM

Today, I retrieved one Beomaster 900 in central Stockholm. The vendor was Michael B Tretow (turn on optional ABBA-record and read his name!). The small chap (the Beomaster) works fine so far: all lamps works, radio and turntable sounds good. Optically all buttons and veneer is really fine and I think it may stand beside BEO 610 in the shelf.


André S
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André S replied on Mon, May 27 2013 8:55 PM

My latest purchase is a pair of Beoplay H3 for the normal day's and the H6 for when I fly on holiday

and then last but not worst, my Beo6 it is Awesome!! 

it is wonderfully and it becomes wildly beautiful to be able to control my oppo-103,  ps3 slim,  92 "Lissau Tab-Tension isf screen;-)

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tournedos replied on Tue, May 28 2013 7:40 AM

Today, I retrieved one Beomaster 900 in central Stockholm.

Everybody needs to have one! Yes - thumbs up Nice looking unit. Do you have the FM stereo decoder in it?


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tamtapir replied on Tue, May 28 2013 2:29 PM

Yes, I dont think a home can be happy without a Beomaster 900.No, theres no decoder inside.Indifferent I´ll have to enjoy the mono radio.




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beaker replied on Wed, May 29 2013 12:27 PM

Just picked this up. When I saw it I just had to have it! A Jet 505. The wood is lovely. The dial is unfortunately a bit worn but never mind. It does work but there is a problem with it. I will post more about it in a seperate thread. Im rather pleased! These things are bigger than you think.

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pic please...

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valve1 replied on Wed, May 29 2013 6:15 PM

When I saw it I just had to have it! A Jet 505.

I know the feeling...... I got one ages ago !

One of these days I will have a go at it.

Søren Mexico
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The virus was active again, got these to complete my speaker collection (now 8 sets), bid on a BM 6000 as well, but 100 % to low, all bids came within the last 30 sec.

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BO replied on Mon, Jun 3 2013 10:31 AM

Again I've got me some new (old) stuff!!

A beosystem 1200, very nice things, but they will need a lot of work.

Beomaster 1200

Beogram 1200.


A stack of pizza boxes! A complete Beosystem  5500

With another pair of Pentas

And finally one more Beocenter 7700

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Very nice old stuff!

Above all I like the white BM1200 with the beautiful white Beogram 1200. Classic!

The turntable looks not so bad as a Beomaster.

Btw, there is one BG1200 white at the moment on the bay but the price is pretty high ...


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BO replied on Mon, Jun 3 2013 12:06 PM

Both the BG and the BM are in quite good shape regarding the exterior, need some cleaning and repaint of the white. The metal surfaces and buttons are in good conditions without scratches. the BG dust cover have some scratches but they can be polished away. Internally, mechanically & electrically I have no idea about the condition yet.


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Orava replied on Mon, Jun 3 2013 6:02 PM

Glad to find out that some people knows what is packing Smile

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A Beomaster 1400K in good shape,


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A Beomaster 1400K in good shape,





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